The second version of archetypes is planned to use
more complex neurophysiological ontology. The next
archetype lifecycle states (candidate and published)
will come with the second version.
The work describes a concept of a new EHR system
based on openEHR. It is focused on measured
subjects/users, not on physicians. Its main idea is
to provide an easily extensible system, which is able
to store daily measured medical data. These data
can be further analysed and shared. The openEHR
concept leads to the new archetype proposals. The
electroencephalographydomain was the first use-case
and new archetypes derived from the EEGBase data
structure were proposed. Moreover, archetypes
respect odML terminology.
Archetypes are currently in the lifecycle state
Author’s draft. The future work will focus on
testing these archetypes. With tested archetypes
an EEG plugin for personal EHR system will be
developed. After that, new versions of archetypes
will be designed and implemented; those archetypes
will be based on more complex electrophysiological
ontology OEN. The future development of the EHR
system itself is shown in Figure 3.
The work was supported by the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF), Project ”NTIS - New
Technologies for Information Society”, European
Centre of Excellence, CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0090
and UWB grant SGS-2013-039 Methods and
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