In general terms all of the classifiers, with the ex-
ception of BayesNet, achieve good results. In terms
of its F-Score results, RandomForest outperforms the
rest, achieving the best F-Score in most of the cases
(6/9), followed by IBk (3/9). According to this criteria
we can sort these five classifiers by their performance:
RandomForest, IBk, PART, J48 and BayesNet.
In order to verify and provide quantitative evi-
dences for supporting these results, tests of statisti-
cal significance were performed to determine if sta-
tistical differences existed among the performances
achieved by the five classifiers. The test results con-
firmed that RandomForest, IBk and PART are sta-
tistically the best classifiers, although RandomForest
achieved slightly better results. On the other hand,
J48 and BayesNet present significant performance
differences, and therefore they do not show to be so
valid from an experimental viewpoint.
In this work we have conceived a feasible model
for providing rapid and accurate linguistic predictions
in an intermediate language composed of linguistic la-
bels. As future work we aim to extend this analysis to
test with more powerful classification methods such
as SVM or Artificial Neural Networks and develop a
NLG-oriented approach which generate textual fore-
casts from the intermediate language obtained by the
This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of
Economy and Competitiveness under grant TIN2011-
29827-C02-02. I. Rodriguez-Fdez is supported by the
Spanish Ministry of Education, under the FPU Fel-
lowships Plan. A. Ramos-Soto is supported by the
Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness
(FPI Fellowship Program). This work was also sup-
ported in part by the European Regional Development
Fund (ERDF/FEDER) under grants CN2012/151 and
GRC2014/030 of the Galician Ministry of Education.
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