The Transparent Representation of Medical Decision Structures
Based on the Example of Breast Cancer Treatment
D. Andrzejewski
, L. Tetzlaff
, J. DeBoer
E. Beck
and N. Haeusler
University of Applied Computer Science Brandenburg, Department Informatics and Media,
Magdeburger Straße 50, Brandenburg, Germany
Städtisches Klinikum Brandenburg GmbH, Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, Brandenburg, Germany
Keywords: Medical Decision Structures, Representation, Decision Support, DMN.
Abstract: Choosing the appropriate treatment for patients have a direct influence on each patient`s future. A doctor´s
expertise, the patient´s preferences, and the current medical research have a highly influence on the choice of
the treatment. Doctors shall be aware of their own decision patterns, the most influenced factors and the
relevant literature by choosing the optimal patients treatments. By considering quality management and
certifications, transparent representations of internal processes with simple decision-making notes are
required. In support of the hypothesis, a decision analysis was conducted based on the S3 guideline for
diagnosis, treatment and follow up care of breast cancer. A notation is required, which combines the process
modeling and the representation of (medical) decisions.
A transparent representation of processes is a useful
gadget for physicians and other medical
professionals, especially considering the
requirements for quality management and
certifications. Medical decisions are generally based
on physicians’ expertise, patients’ preferences and the
relevant recommendations based on the best available
medical evidence. However, most decision structures
are only “present in the medical experts head”, which
means, they are not at hand in a standardized,
structured and thus “non-expert-understandable”
form. The representation of decisions has been
modelled in the past with The Decision Model (von
Halle, Goldberg, 2009). In our partner clinic
“Städtisches Klinikum Brandenburg GmbH” the
representation of processes and decisions will be
modelled mostly with Microsoft Visio. This
representation has the main problem that the clarity
and comprehension suffer. The Object Management
Group developed the Decision Model Notation
(DMN) as possibility to represent decisions
transparently in an easy way of understanding and
handling (Object Management Group, 2014).
Therefore this paper tries to answer the question if a
representation of medical decisions with DMN is
possible. Also the supporting data are required for a
transparent decision representation.
2.1 Decision Model Notation (DMN)
The Object Management Group (OMG) published in
January 2014 the first Beta version of Decision Model
Notation (DMN). The primary goal of this notation is
design readable, understandable and transparent
decision models for every kind of user.
DMN is a new standard to combine business
decision design and decision implementation. Those
decisions need to be analysed and represented (Object
Management Group, 2014). The three aspects of
modelling are as followed: Business Processes (e.g.
modelled in BPMN), Decision Requirements
Diagram (modelled in DMN) and the Decision Logic.
A Business Process Model is e.g. a transparent
representation of an internal procedure of a company.
A Decision Requirements Diagram is a diagram to
represent the decision with different elements (like
knowledge elements or input data elements) and the
Decision Logic represents the analysed rules in form
Andrzejewski D., Tetzlaff L., DeBoer J., Beck E. and Haeusler N..
The Transparent Representation of Medical Decision Structures Based on the Example of Breast Cancer Treatment.
DOI: 10.5220/0005283306170621
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2015), pages 617-621
ISBN: 978-989-758-068-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)