technical terms and their consumer equivalents.
Finally, other health-consumer dictionaries have to
be found for increasing the number of definitions
that come from medical sources.
A potential extension of the system comes from
providing the user with direct access to an external
web search engine, either a generic one (i.e. Google
or Bing) or a specific one (such Quertle or Pubmed),
for finding further information beside the ones
already provided. Also, consumer-oriented sites
could be directly accessed from the system so to
allow the user an easy navigation inside familiar
We plan to complete the prototype and integrate
it within an Electronic Health Record (EHR) or
Personal Health Record (PHR) by using the HL7
“Infobutton” standard. Moreover, we want to extend
it so that it is able to take as an input the URL of any
health web page and automatically provide, as
output, the same page with the highlighted technical
terms together with their consumer translations and
definitions so to help a generic user in understanding
any health-related web page.
This work was partially funded by the PON Smart
Cities PON04a2_C “SMART HEALTH –
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