In this paper we presented the new Home Manager
system, extended in the Butlers perspective.
Despite its many limitations and strong simplifica-
tions, due to its proof-of-concept nature, the “Butler-
ised” prototype makes one first, yet fundamental, step
towards the Butlers upper layers: by reifying the user
position via geo-localisation and adding the ability
to reason over such information, enabling the antic-
ipation of the user’s needs, it highlights the poten-
tial of the innovative pervasive scenarios envisioned
in (Denti, 2014), and shows their feasibility in princi-
For this reason, this result is more a starting point
than the end of the story: as discussed above, a lot
of work remains to be done, and many extensions, in
several different directions, are worth considering.
For instance, if the above-cited frameworks by the
major players become eventually popular, an integra-
tion with our approach could be studied, although
their goals refer mainly to the Butlers lower layers (2,
3 and possibly 4) while we mean to incrementally en-
able advanced features from the Butlers upper layers.
At the same time, serious difficulties have to be
expected when moving on, especially towards the up-
per Butlers layers: apart from technical difficulties
in enabling the interaction among so many heteroge-
neous entities, the effectiveness and the actual scala-
bility of the approach are still to be proved, and so are
the robustness and reliability of the TuCSoN infras-
tructure in such a challenging scenario. Proper knowl-
edge representation is also likely to be a critical issue
when the application scenario goes beyond the toy ex-
ample presented in this paper. Moreover, in the per-
spective, proper design metaphors and user metaphors
will be needed to deal with the complexity of layers 6
and 7, with their challenging goals of supporting ex-
perience sharing, advanced user involvement, etc.
So, our approach will be to proceed stepwise: the
first planned step is to go beyond the single, pre-
defined take-away pizzeria considered in this exam-
ple, adding the notion of user’s favorites and possibly
importing them from existing social networks (Face-
book, Google+, and others), thus adding some (min-
imal) layer 6 feature. The next step will be to inte-
grate the system with Google Maps (at least partially),
so as to grab the user’s check-in location (take-away
pizzeria, restaurant, chemist’s, etc) from that source,
removing the current requirement that it is known a-
priori. Apart from the better usability, this step would
strongly enhance the prompter agent role, while con-
stituting a major testbed both for the Butlers architec-
ture and the Home Manager system design.
Authors would like to thank Dipl. Eng. Ilaria Berto-
letti for her contribution to this project and her work
to the new prototype and the Android app, and Dr.
Eng. Leo Di Carlo for his work to the extension of
basic the prototype.
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