and (d) communication features for sharing result and
data with a potential remote user. The proposed so-
lution has been developed on an Android based Sam-
sung Galaxy S-3 smart phone. The Smart phone cam-
era is able to capture fundus image only when if it is
properly interfaced with hand held portable ophthal-
moscope. In the proposed solution, the physician’s
eye (Figure 4) is replaced by CMOS Camera. For that
we have designed a special type of a phone holder as
shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: (a) RP model of Case and (b) Ophthalmoscope
attached with mobile phone holder.
The mobile phone case CAD model is shown in
Figure 5, has been designed using SolidWorks soft-
ware. The material used in Rapid Prototype system
for building the case is SLS. Various factors as porta-
bility, light weight, aesthetic looks etc. have been
considered. The round shape on the top centre has
been provided to ensure that the view through the oph-
thalmoscope can be captured on phone’s camera with-
out any obstructions. For a stable fit of the ophthal-
moscope with phone, a holder is built at the bottom.
Also, to ensure easy charging of the phone, a rectan-
gular shape hole is provided at the bottom and one on
the top left for the volume control. The mobile case
when integrated with the Ophthalmoscope is shown
in Figure 5. The mobile can easily be inserted into
the casing.
In order to display the fundus image and the results, a
fundus imaging software has been developed. The ap-
plication software works on all Android based Smart-
phones. The application software includes all the
image processing operations needed to calculate the
degree of Glaucoma in the person’s eye. The same
has been achieved using OpenCV Library on Android
platform and performs two major tasks namely (a)
Image Acquisition and (b) Image Processing (Glau-
coma Detection). For all the tasks, application soft-
ware switches to different UI screens thus helping
guide the user at each stage of the application. This
is shown in Figure 2b. As shown in the figure, the
Fundus Image Acquisition step is further divided into
four stages.
• Filling Patient Information. GUI has two text
fields Patient Name and Patient ID. For each
user, patient ID is a must and it must be unique.
Patient ID will help in searching and sorting of
patient data in future.
• Option to use this device as new and old patient.
For both case application will provide separate
GUI windows.
• Separate GUI is provided to select left and Right
eye one by one for taking the fundus image.
• Image capturing GUI provides image retake and
save options. After the capturing operation, the
image is visible on thev GUI so that user can ac-
cept the image quality or redo the entire operation.
All the above four stages of operation in Android
is defined as four different Activities and uses four
different Layouts. Image acquisition is done in four
stages. All stages are defined as Activities in Android
Development environment (ADT). That is described
by the AndroidManifest file and briefly described be-
• BeginActivity: Patient Information Form. This
manages patient related information. User should
enter patient name and Patient ID No in the GUI.
On the basis of patients ID, the application soft-
ware will manage all the related data.
• MidActivity: Select Eye. MidActivity provides
a Menu option to select the eye and patient type
for Fundus imaging. By clicking the button/radio
button, the user makes the choice. The button’s
operation is defined in the Activity Layout file.
• LeftCamActivity/RightCamActivity. In this ac-
tivity application will perform Video/Image aqui-
sition task. In this activity, the application cap-
tures images/video of left and right eye. To cap-
ture Video, application will call native Camera in-
tent. To use intent native Camera again applica-
tion will perform check for all camera permission.
However, in case of old patients, software will au-
tomatically search and select the patient fundus
The next section describes then Android based ap-
plication developed for Glaucoma screening.
Glaucoma is a neurological disorder that causes dam-
age to optical nerves occurs due to Intra ocular