may lead to non-comparable results. Thus, when inte-
grating data in a knowledge base, detailed information
about the experimental setup and the genetic back-
ground are necessary. Only then, valid and consistent
metabolic models can be derived.
The CyanoFactory KB takes a first step in the di-
rection of strain specific databases. This, however,
requires a high investment in man-month of skilled
personnel. Another important problem that we are
currently addressing is the way of data integration
from diverse data sources. While the systems biology
markup language (SBML) provides a good founda-
tion for data exchange, strong effort has to be invested
in data-pipeline setup. On the long run, research con-
sortia need special funding solely directed to manual
data(base) curation. In return, a sustainable and co-
herent data source for follow-up research can be es-
We want to thank Eric Frenzel for the creation of the
SBGN networks. This project has received funding
from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for
research, technological development and demonstra-
tion under grant agreement No 308518, CyanoFac-
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