the k-Nearest Neighbour and Linear Discriminant
Andreoni et al. (2002) combined a motion
capture optoelectronic system and suitable pressure
sensor matrices to measure a car driver’s posture
With the aim of reducing the number of pressure
sensors for posture identification Mutlu et al. (2007)
and Zheng & Morrell (2010) made another
approach. The first group studied a way to reduce
the number of sensors to 19, obtaining an overall
classification accuracy of 78%, improving the
classification when the number of sensors was
increased to 31, to 87%. The second group
developed a system with only 7 sensors and 6
vibrotactile actuators, designed to posture guidance
through haptic feedback. With a classification
algorithm based on the mean squared error between
the pressure measurements and the reference
pressure for each static posture, an overall accuracy
of 86.4% was achieved when distinguishing among
10 postures. This study also showed that is possible
posture guidance trough haptic feedback.
Daian et al. (2007) developed a simple system
where they used a chair equipped with force sensors,
one in the seat pad and other in the backrest. The
first one detects if someone is sitting and the other
informs about the adequateness of the sitting
position. The feedback to the subject, regarding
posture and time, is given trough a computer
program that identifies 3 different situations: the
person is not sitting, the person is sitting in an
adequate position, and the person is sitting in an
inadequate position. These 3 situations were
determined comparing the pressure values received
from the sensor with preset threshold values. The
threshold values were determined through repeated
measurements values in the same way that the
sensors' positions on the chair were determined. If an
inadequate posture was taken for more than 20
seconds or the user was sitting for more than a 20,
40 and 60 minutes a feedback to the user is given.
The feedback to the user is provided by a warning
agent placed on the desk next to the computer
display. Its warning should be understood as the
need to do a break.
Other approaches that do not need the use of
classification algorithms and interfaces with pressure
sensors can be taking in consideration. One of that’s
approaches can be the use of software like
WorkPace (Blangsted et al. 2004). This kind of
software is intended to educate users about muscle
fatigue and recovery. It recommends regular
exercises and stretching, displays alerts when breaks
are recommended, monitors the exposure and
intensity of computer use, and provides feedback.
In previous works (Martins et al. 2014; Lucena
et al. 2012), a chair prototype was built with the
objective of correcting and preventing poor posture.
In this first prototype the pressure cell concept was
introduced and its capabilities of differentiating 11
different posture using 8 air bladders distributed in a
matrix of 2 by 2 in the backrest and in the seat pad.
These air bladders were able to obtain pressure maps
and change their conformation (the amount of air
inside the bladders) by inflation and deflation. Our
main hypothesis is that by increasing discomfort
when a poor posture is adopted, the user will be
encouraged to change his position. That discomfort
will be made by inflating and deflating the air
bladders. We can also induce changes in the chair
conformation over a period of time, which can help
to eventually distribute the applied pressure on
contact zones, reducing user fatigue and discomfort
due to the pressure relief on compressed tissues. In
order to classify 11 different postures, the pressure
maps were used as input for an Artificial Neural
Network (ANN). The ANN were exported to a
mobile application and have been able to execute
postural classification in real-time. Results show
that, for 11 postures, in real-time classification the
overall score was 70%, but when the number of
positions decreases to 8, the overall classification
score was 93%. Two correction algorithms were
integrated in the mobile application in order to test if
the user is seated for long periods of time and also if
he or she is seated in an incorrect posture. In both
situations the chair’s conformation automatically
changes, inducing the user to adopt a more correct
posture. Despite significant achievements of this
previous work, some improvements are needed to
develop a better intelligent chair capable of real-time
classification and correction of sitting posture. For
that reason, the aim of this paper is present a new
prototype with improved features.
As in Martins et al. (2014) work, the aim of this
project was to adapt a regular office chair for sitting
posture detection and correction. Taking into
account the limitations in the previous prototype, we
propose to build a new improved one. With this
intent, several changes were made regarding the
design and control of the air bladders.
In order to posture guidance and correction, is
required an interface capable of measure the applied