variables like age and sex, and shows some
alternative treatments that can achieve success in the
combat of the infection. This research also considers
factors like the cost, successful cases and expected
time to the antibiotic produce effect.
The system returns then a set of treatments
successfully applied in the past using input variables
similar to the patient data (case based approach).
To test this system they were used real data
provided by Intensive Care Unit of Centro
Hospitalar do Porto (CHP), Porto, Portugal. All of
this work is inserted in the INTCare research project.
This article is divided into five sections. The first
one consists in the introduction of the paper. The
main concepts and related work are described in
background that is the section number two of this
paper. On the third section it is described the data
analysis, the data transformations and it is presented
the heuristic algorithm and achieved results with the
application of the heuristic. Then in the section four
it is analysed and discussed the results and on the
last section they are presented some considerations
as well the future work.
2.1 Infection, Bacteria and Antibiotics
in Healthcare
Among bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, a very
small amount of these organisms are linked to the
development of infections, usually called pathogens.
An infectious disease is normally characterized by
symptoms like fever, pain and swelling and others
more specific to the organs that the infection is
affecting. The diagnosis of an infection is done
recurring to the isolation of a pathogen and grown of
them in artificial cultures. So these pathogens can be
identified and then it is administrated to the patient
the most convenient antibiotic (Ryan et al., 2004).
In Europe in each year about 4 million of
patients acquire an infection associated to healthcare
and approximately 37000 of them dies from the
contracted infection. The most common infections in
healthcare are: respiratory, urinary, surgical,
gastrointestinal and bloodstream (ECDC, 2012).
Bacteria are microorganisms; the smallest among
the living cells, without nucleus but all of them have
the nucleic acid and protein synthesis (Ray et al.,
The most common bacteria in healthcare are
Escherichia Coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Candida and Enterococcus species (ECDC, 2012).
The Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common bacteria
from the Gram-negative class, it is a common
pathogen in inpatients with a length of stay superior
to one week. The infections provoked by this
pathogen are many and can be located on respiratory
track (pneumonia), heart (endocarditis), bloodstream
(bacteraemia) among others (Ray et al., 2004).
2.2 Heuristics
The term heuristic comes from the Greek and means
“to find out, discover”. Romanycia and Pelletier
(1985) created a survey of definitions and concluded
that a heuristic is a device that is used in problem
solving. It can be a strategy, knowledge, computer
program, data structure and have to guarantee the
supply of a solution. The heuristic developed in this
work is based on the medical domain knowledge
about antibiotics and infections in intensive
2.3 INTCare
This study is being developed under the research
project INTCare. INTCare is an Intelligent Decision
Support System (IDSS) that is in constant
development and testing. It is deployed in the ICU
of the Centro Hospitalar do Porto (CHP). This IDSS
is based on intelligent agents (Santos et al., 2011)
and aims to predict clinical events as patient organ
failure (cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, hepatic,
neurological and hematologic systems), possible
readmissions, diseases, infections and patient
outcome (Portela et al., 2013). The system is able to
suggest procedures, treatments and therapies. This
system is based in four subsystems (data acquisition,
knowledge management, inference and interface)
that recur to intelligent agents in order to take
actions (Portela et al., 2013).
3.1 Data Understanding
As above referred the administration of antibiotics is
an important issue because there is a great number of
particularities that should be analysed in the
treatment of infections. The system developed for
this study tries to eliminate some of those issues. In
order to analyse and identify treatment patterns it is
necessary to provide input variables for the system.
After some meetings with the medical staff of the
CHP it was defined a fixed variables package.