higher value give us the frequency of the signal.
• Classic energy detection: we use a energy detec-
tion in frequency, where we search for a peak in
the DFT of the data.
To obtain the features that we will use for the cy-
clostationary detection we used the cyclic spectrum
in a part of the signal where the subject is in apnea
at 68bpm to obtain the heartbeat features. For the
breathing pattern the we use the part of the signal after
the first apnea.
Figure 8: Cyclic spectrum for the heartbeat(in the left) and
for the breathing (on the right).
We will compare the performance for the hardest
signal to detect, the heartbeat, but the same procedure
can be demonstrated, with similar results, for the res-
piratory signal.
To detect the heartbeat frequency from the cyclic
spectrum we locate the maximum value at the cyclic
spectrum plane instead of using a traditional energy
detection method where we detect the peak of the
DFT of the signal.
To prove that the cyclostationary method shows
better results than a traditional energy detection in fre-
quency, white gaussian noise is digital added at the
signal in order to simulate various SNRs situations.
In order to simulate the behavior of the system un-
der various SNR levels, we first calculate the SNR of
the acquired heartbeat signal, that in our case is near
10dB. Once we have this value we can calculate the
power that the digitally added white gaussian noise
needs to have in order to simulate a determined SNR,
= 10log
+ 10
) − P
where SNR
is the SNR of the original signal,
the SNR that we want to achieve, P
is the
power of the bio-signal and finally the P
is the
power of the noise that we need to add.
By using Monte Carlo method we determined the
probability of detect the same heartbeat frequency as
the original signal shows but for various SNR levels.
This procedure used 550 samples at 25SPS of a re-
laxed person at 68bpm for 5 to -25dB of SNR each
one tested 500 times for added gaussian white noise.
Figure 9: Performance comparative of both methods.
The comparison is the following,
It’s visible that the cyclostationary based detection
show better results than energy detection. For proba-
bilities of detection higher than 80% we are looking
for improvements in the order of 6dB.
It’s feasible to use a software defined radio to build a
bio-radar and acquire both respiration and heartbeat.
This open doors to the use of commercial Software
Defined Radios has a platform to implement Cogni-
tive Bio-Radars. The results show that a cyclosta-
tionary analysis based on the cyclic spectrum improve
performance on this type of radars comparatively to
simple energy detection schemes. The performance
could be further improved by using a digital phase-
locked loop system.
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