Our initial experiments of the proposed SAM ap-
proach are based on a military aircraft allocation
problem. The U.S. Tanker Airlift Control Cen-
ter (TACC) has to allocate aircraft to various mis-
sions and wings one month in advance to the ac-
tual scheduling of those aircraft. The demands of
these missions and wings are not known in advance
and are subject to enormous uncertainty even during
peacetime. We formulated the problem as a two-stage
stochastic program in which aircraft are allocated to
different wings and missions in Stage 1. In Stage
2 these allocations are evaluated by scheduling these
aircraft for various missions once the demands are re-
alized in a scenario. More details of the problem and
its stochastic formulation can be found in (Langer,
2011; Baker et al., 2012).
For our experiments, we took a problem that al-
locates aircraft for a period of 10 days. We consider
120 scenarios. For this problem, Stage 1 has 270 vari-
ables and 180 constraints, while Stage 2 has 25573
variables and 16572 constraints per scenario. All the
experiments were done on the same number of cores,
on a machine with Intel HP X5650 2.66Ghz 6C Pro-
In Figure 1(a), we show the scenarios that have
active cuts in Stage 1 in each iteration of the Bender’s
multicut method. The x-axis is the iteration number,
and y-axis is the scenario number. In the vertical line
corresponding to any iteration number, a dot in the
horizontal line corresponding to a scenario number
means that a cut obtained from the Stage 2 optimiza-
tion of that scenario was active in that iteration. As
can be seen in the figure (Figure 1(a)), very few sce-
narios have active cuts in the initial few rounds. As
the optimization progresses, the number of scenarios
with active cuts increases with the increase in the it-
eration number. And eventually, after approximately
220 iterations, all the scenarios have active cuts in
Stage 1. The total number of active cuts in each iter-
ation are shown in Figure 1(b). Red color line shows
the upper bound, and the blue color line shows the
lower bound as the number of iterations increase.
For testing the proposed SAM algorithm, we di-
vided the original problem with 120 scenarios into
two subproblems each with 60 scenarios. The sub-
problems are solved for a maximum of 300 rounds,
after which the cut constraints are collected from both
of them and these cut constraints are used as the ini-
tial set of constraints for solving the original problem
with 120 scenarios. Figure 2(a) shows the scenario ac-
tivity for this method. As can be seen in the figure, the
overall scenario activity is much higher in the initial
iterations of the SAM approach than in the original
Bender’s method. Figure 2(b) shows the number of
cuts that were active in each of the subproblems. Red
bars correspond to P
, and blue bars correspond to
. The bars are stacked on top of each other to show
the total number of active cuts in both the subprob-
lems. Green bars show the number of active cuts for
the original problem (P), which begins optimization
at iteration 301. Black lines correspond to the lower
and upper bounds of the subproblems, and as in Fig-
ure 1(b) blue, red lines correspond to the lower, upper
bounds of the original problem, respectively. Total
time to optimization is 784 seconds with the SAM ap-
proach as compared to 1190 seconds with the original
Bender’s method.
We have extended our algorithm to split-and-
hierarchical-merge (SAHM) algorithm, in which the
merging of the subproblems into the original problem
is done in stages instead of at once as in the SAM
algorithm. Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of
the SAHM approach. We tested the SAHM approach
by dividing the original problem into 6 subproblems
each with 20 scenarios. In the first stage, a set of 2
subproblems combine to form one subproblem, giv-
ing a total of 3 subproblems. In the second stage,
these three subproblems are combined into the orig-
inal problem. Each of these stages is executed for 150
rounds, after which optimization of the original prob-
lem begins. Figure 4 shows the cut activity for this
setup. Total time to solution using SAHM was 507
seconds, giving us an improvement of 58% over the
Bender’s method.
We plan to evaluate and extend the proposed scenario
decomposition schemes in the following ways:
• Try decomposing the problem into different num-
ber of subproblems, and determine the optimal
subproblem size.
• Exhaustively study the SAHM scheme.
• Currently, the number of rounds for which the
subproblems are executed before they are merged
is hard-coded by the user/programmer. An impor-
tant milestone is to dynamically determine during
the execution of the program, the optimal time to
merge the subproblems into the original problem.
This could be based on the cut activity of the sub-
• Use distributed computing to solve the stochas-
tic linear programs. As discussed in Section 3