community uses physical activity monitoring sensors
and aims to provide a full spectrum of social support.
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goals. Self-monitoring, competition, cooperation and
comparison are included in the system in order to in-
crease the self-awareness and group-awareness, and
motivation in order to improve or maintain the phys-
ical activity level. We presented the first implemen-
tation along with the technical evaluation. Improve-
ments of the current implemented version of the sys-
tem are planned taking the results of the evaluation
into account.
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back modalities designed to initiate physical activity.
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instance (op den Akker et al., 2012). A future devel-
opment we would like to explore is such an activation
with involvement of peers. Future evaluations will in-
clude healthy subjects and we will be investigation the
added value of virtual community in improving the
physical activity level. However, the concepts pre-
sented in this paper can well be transferred to other
application domains including lifestyle change sup-
port as needed in many chronic patients and also in
the domain of prevention, especially in identified in-
creased risk groups.
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