robust in terms of classification errors; both the FCR
and FAR are zero even with 90% missing data. This
is important in the discussed context as it ensures that
selective recycling lines are not contaminated.
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75
Fraction of Missing Data
Error Percentage
Figure 7: Recognition performance of the proposed
method, using ORB features. Continuous lines denote re-
sults obtained using grayscale images, while dashed lines
represent results obtained using opponent color space.
We have presented a method for recognizing specific
PCBs in waste streams via local feature matching and
geometric verification. The method achieves an open-
set recognition rate of up to 100% on a comprehen-
sive test dataset while being robust with respect to
broken PCBs. It is a key component in a recycling
appliance designed for reclaiming valuable chemical
elements and thus contributes to overcoming supply
bottlenecks and to sustainable electronics production.
Furthermore, we have performed a comprehen-
sive evaluation of local features in a new applica-
tion context, namely with respect to PCB recogni-
tion. The evaluation results show that ORB, BRISK,
FREAK, and AKAZE outperform SIFT and SURF
in this context. The differences between our find-
ings and previous results highlight the need for task-
specific test datasets. We contribute to the body of
available datasets by providing an extensive, freely
available dataset consisting of PCB images.
Moreover, we have demonstrated that utilizing
color information in the form of opponent color space
is beneficial not only to SIFT, but also to ORB,
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