– For an inter-subject based approach I, the
single-lead dissimilarity array size is already
relatively large (T ∗ S
∗ L = 375). Increasing
it further does not contribute to the rise in in-
formation. Thus the EID degrades slightly.
• Lastly, the lowest EER for authentication origi-
nated from B
−EE. However it also presents
a high EID. The lowest EID is shown by I
CC which also gave a good and second lowest
EER value.
The number of possible ECG representations is end-
less and so far none has managed to stand out at the
expense of all the others. In this paper a new ECG rep-
resentation space is developed and integrated into an
already existing biometric system. This feature space
is built through dissimilarity computation, where the
new features are a direct and pairwise comparison be-
tween those present in two signals, which here were
taken via metrics.
Moreover, the computation of this novel repre-
sentation can be extended to various types of ECG
configurations or signals, underlining its versatility.
The current study extended its usage to multi-lead
ECG signals, where an EER rate of 1.53% has been
achieved, for authentication over a database of 503
subjects as well as an EID rate of 5.65%. It should
be emphasized that for authentication/identification a
single heartbeat was used. The usage of a larger num-
ber of beats for classification will likely lead to better
results. When contrasting with the original technique,
which does not compute a dissimilarity representa-
tion, this feature space returns better results, proving
the usefulness of such a representation. However, as
in previous work, the usage of more than one lead did
not significantly improve results.
This work was partially funded by Fundac¸
ao para a
encia e Tecnologia (FCT) under grants PTDC/EEI-
SII/2312/2012, and SFRH/PROTEC/49512/2009,
whose support the authors gratefully acknowledge.
We would also like to thank Joana Santos for her hard
work labelling the ECG records.
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