The simulation of natural phenomena is one of the
most studied areas in Computer Graphics, enabling
animators to generate complex and physically plau-
sible dynamics which would be impossible to create
manually. We only review work related to dissolution
since there is a large body of work in fluid simulation.
In most observable systems, the most frequent sol-
vent is fluid and solute is solid. There have been many
studies on the physical interaction between fluids and
solids. (Arash et al., 2003) studied the fluid–solid
interaction by representing solid with linked point
masses. (Batty et al., 2007) applied a pressure projec-
tion method with kinetic energy minimization to in-
corporate irregular boundary geometry into standard
grid–based fluid simulations. Their methods are yet
difficult to cooperate in dissolution simulation.
(Carlson et al., 2004) and (Amada, 2006) treated
the objects as if they were made of fluid. To main-
tain the object rigidity, (Carlson et al., 2004) identi-
fied the object by velocity field, and (Amada, 2006)
applied a corrective step to bring back the rigidity of
the solid. (Harada et al., 2007) simulated the inter-
action using collision detection. To prevent fluid par-
ticles intersecting the solid boundary, both (Amada,
2006) and (Harada et al., 2007) used penalty force
method, which took a few frames to push the particles
out. (Becker et al., 2009) also dealt with boundary
conditions to ensure no–penetration. However, they
required two additional neighbour queries for colli-
sion detection, which was expensive to compute.
(Schechter and Bridson, 2012) achieved the no–
separation and no–slip boundary condition by sam-
pling the air and solid surface as ghost particles. (Ak-
inci et al., 2012) used corrected density to compute
the pressure and viscosity force to avoid the sticking
artefacts. Both solved the boundary problem, mak-
ing an extension to support dissolution simulation. In
this paper we use the similar method with (Akinci
et al., 2012) to handle the boundary problem during
the fluid–solid interaction, but we sample the entire
object rather than just the surface since the boundary
changes as the shape dissolves.
The methods above tackled the problem of physi-
cal interaction between the fluid and solid, but did not
consider the chemical interaction between them. Rel-
atively few attempts have been made to simulate the
complex chemical reaction between fluid and solid.
(Solenthaler et al., 2007) used an elasticity model
for particle–based objects and modelled temperature
for phase changes, allowing them to simulate objects
melting in hot liquid. (Stomakhin et al., 2014) intro-
duced augmented MPM for phase-change and simu-
lated butter melting in pan. Melting offers a simi-
lar visual result with dissolution, but the underlying
function is a heat model, which is different from the
chemical model in this paper.
(Kim et al., 2010) simulated bubbles around dis-
solving objects. Their focus was on simulating the
dispersed bubble flow — the dissolution model was
approximated by generating offsets of a level–set rep-
resentation of the solute, which had little relationship
with actual dissolution behaviour. (Shin et al., 2010)
simulated solids dissolving in liquids by modelling
solid mass transfer. They treated the solvent and so-
lution as different fluids, and used multiple level–sets
to track mixing surfaces which needed to be updated
whenever the reactions and interactions occurred —
an expensive but necessary step. They also didn’t
consider about the object separation during dissolu-
tion. The latter problem is solved in (Wojtan et al.,
2007). However, they both use level–set represen-
tation to guide the object surface without additional
treatment which means their dissolution results will
largely depend on the level-set grid resolution. Fur-
thermore, all these previous approaches did not con-
sider the relationship between the dissolution time
and the mass transfer of the solute, meaning that pre-
dicting the overall dissolution time is an exercise in
trial and error. In this paper we propose a model for
predicting total dissolution time from activation en-
ergy, and our dissolution model is independent of so-
lute sampling resolutions.
Dissolution also shares many properties with hy-
draulic erosion. (Bene
s et al., 2006) proposed a so-
lution for erosion simulation by using Navier–Stokes
equations, while (Wojtan et al., 2007) animated corro-
sion and erosion by driving the fluids with a finite dif-
ference simulation and presenting the solid by advect-
ing the level sets inward. (Kri
stof et al., 2009) used
an SPH based method to simulate erosion, where the
erosion model is adapted from an Eulerian approach.
The erosion rate used in (Kri
stof et al., 2009; Woj-
tan et al., 2007) is derived from the power law, which
unfortunately requires a large number of parameters
to control, making it impractical for use by an anima-
tor. In this paper we demonstrate two practical ero-
sion examples, including one which demonstrates the
specification of non–homogeneous solutes forming a
natural layering stratum.
In the following sections we present a model for
simulating objects dissolving in fluid, derived from
the physics and chemistry behind the solute–solvent