The Influence of Structure Parameters on Terahertz Wave Filter
based on Photonic Crystal Ring Cavity
Xiaoying Wei, Heming Chen
and Wen Zhou
corresponding author e-mail: chhm@njupt.edu.cn
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Keywords: THz Communication, Filter, the Finite Difference Time Domain Method, Photonic Crystal Ring Cavity,
Abstract: Terahertz (THz) communication has important applications in high-speed and ultra-broadband wireless
access networks. THz filter is one of the key device of WDM communications. THz filter based on ring
cavity photonic crystal (TFRCPC) has many advantages such as simple structure, high integration and high
flexibility. According to the coupling characteristics of waveguide and ring cavity, a novel structure of
TFRCPC was proposed in this paper, the TFRCPC consists of 4×3 internal dielectric cylinder with four
scattering dielectric cylinder. The influence of structure parameters of TFRCPC is mainly studied. The
simulation results show that, on the basis of basal material of Si and lattice constant of 30μm, when the radius
of dielectric cylinder is 5.7368μm, the radius of 4×3 internal dielectric cylinder is 3.5μm, the radius of
scattering dielectric cylinder is 5μm, the wave at 83.535μm wavelength can go through the structure with the
transmittance of 0.97674.
Terahertz (THz) wave refers to the electromagnetic
wave whose frequency is between 0.1~10THz
(30μm~3mm), which is located between millimeter
wave and infrared wave (Hu and Chen, 2008). It is
the transition area between electronics and photonics.
Terahertz communication devices have become the
study hotspot in recent years. Banmali S.Rawat* et
al. put forward 5G mobile communication should be
realized in THz wave band in 2013 (Banmali et al.,
2013). In 2014, G. Ducournau et al. (Ducournau,
Yoshimizu et al., 2014) put forward the high
performance of coherent THz wave in receiver data
rate and sensitivity, so that terahertz communication
could provide with high data rate services. The plane
coupling structure composed of waveguide and
resonant cavity has become a common THz filter
structure (Su and Chen, 2010). Ring cavity has many
advantages such as simple structure high integration
and strong flexibility. It can achieve many functions
such as filtering, splitting, WDM and so on (Guo,
Fang, Wu et al., 2010).In 2009, Yaw- Dong Wu et al.
has proposed a filter with high Q value which was
based on photonic crystal ring cavity (Wu, Shih et
al., 2009). The Q value was 3800, and the
transmittance was 92%, but the structure was
complex. It could filter the wave of 1550 nm.
This paper proposes a TFRCPC which consists
of 4×3 internal dielectric cylinder with four
scattering dielectric cylinder. By changing the radius
of internal dielectric cylinder and its refractive
index, the radius of scattering dielectric cylinder, the
coupling intensity of the light in the ring cavity can
change. Then it can filter the waves of different
wavelengths according to different structures.
Finally, the Q value of the filter is up to 3977.86, the
transmittance of 83.535μm is 0.97674.
The parameters of the TFRCPC proposed in this
paper are set as follows: refractive index of silicon
dielectric cylinder material n=3.4, radius of
dielectric cylinder r=5.7368μm, lattice constant
a=30μm. Because tetragonal crystal lattice has high
symmetry, a ring cavity structure can get better
transmission performance. The bandgap of photonic
crystal structure can be acquired by the plane wave
Wei X., Chen H. and Zhou W..
The Influence of Structure Parameters on Terahertz Wave Filter based on Photonic Crystal Ring Cavity.
DOI: 10.5220/0005290600730076
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS-2015), pages 73-76
ISBN: 978-989-758-093-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)