Table 3: Comparison of 3D ISM shape classification on the Aim@Shape Watertight dataset.
Salti et al. Wittrowski et al. proposed approach
(Salti et al., 2010) (Wittrowski et al., 2013) (this paper)
complete (20 classes) 79 % - 81 %
partial (19 classes) 81 % 82 % 83 %
Finally, we compare our algorithm to state of the art
3D ISM approaches and achieve competitive results
on the Aim@Shape Watertight dataset.
In our future work we will optimize the vote
weighting to strengthen true positive maxima and
weaken irrelevant side maxima. We plan to use more
different datasets for evaluation and investigate how
keypoint sampling during training and classification
and the bandwidth parameter of the Mean-Shift algo-
rithm influence the classification results. Our goal is
to find optimal parameters and an optimal weighting
strategy to apply the ISM approach for object detec-
tion in heavily cluttered scenes.
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