era and a thermal camera are presented. The first one
is temperature change visualization system compar-
ing on-line and off-line thermal 3D models from any
viewpoint. Another is the interactiveAR visualization
of thermal 3D model on smartphone display. Both ap-
plications use AR visualization of off-line generated
thermal 3D model. In the off-line phase, the uncol-
ored 3D model of a given scene is reconstructed and
the poses of the camera with the corresponding color
and thermal images are saved by using KinectFusion.
After mapping color and thermal images on separate
uncolored models, Viewpoint Generative Leaning is
applied to the RGB 3D model in order to store the
stable keypoints and their clustered descriptors in the
VGL database. During the on-line phase, hand-held
camera poses are estimated by combining frame-to-
frame tracking with the camera pose estimation us-
ing correspondences between keypoint descriptors in
the current image and in the VGL database. Finally,
the thermal 3D model is superimposed on the current
hand-held camera view.
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phone camera into thermal camera have appeared in
the market such as Therm-App for Android and FLIR
ONE for iPhone. We plan to use these devices for
getting thermal information from smartphones so that
our AR visualization system can detect temperature
distribution changes on the fly.
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