tent. Embedding on transform domain seems more
robust but rather complicated to compute because of
its high computation cost. Additionally, the previous
methods only focused on the robustness of the water-
mark by sacrificing the quality of the embedded con-
In particular, the SVD-based technique is used to
efficiently extract algebraic features from an image.
Based on the feature of SVD transform, the stable
SVD matrices feature of image can be easily obtained.
Therefore, when the image is degraded by several
image processing attacks, its singular values (SVs)
do not change significantly (Liu and Tan, 2002; Lai,
2011; Zhou and Chen, 2004). This feature is normally
used to embed the user’s information into the image
with less degradation.
As shown in the papers (Liu and Tan, 2002;
Lai, 2011; Zhou and Chen, 2004; Bhatnagar and
Raman, 2009), SVD-based watermarking algorithms
were proposed. In order to achieve the robustness,
Liu and Tan (Liu and Tan, 2002) presented a water-
mark method which embeds the watermark into the
SVD domain. They added the watermark bits into the
singular values of matrix S. Three matrices U
,S, and
are saved as the secret key. These matrices are
required in the watermark extraction. In order to ex-
tend the method of (Liu and Tan, 2002), Lai et al.
(Lai, 2011) demonstrated a watermarking technique
using SVD and a tiny genetic algorithm to achieve
the robustness of the watermark information. Un-
fortunately, both algorithms of (Liu and Tan, 2002)
and (Lai, 2011) are fundamentally flawed as men-
tioned in (Loukhaoukha, 2013). This bug of these
algorithms causes false positive detection even if the
attacker uses a different embedded watermark or the
secret key. In the method of Chandra et al. (Chandra,
2002), not only the original image is required but also
the original watermark during the watermark extrac-
tion process. Hence, their method is not suitable for
real applications. Bao (Bao and Ma, 2005) utilized
the quantization parameter for enhancing the quality
of the watermarked image. In the extraction process,
the quantization parameter is required as the private
key. However, the original image must to be trans-
formed to the wavelet and SVD domain. It requires
high computation cost.
As mentioned above, the previous SVD-based wa-
termarking techniques mainly focused on the robust-
ness of embedding methods but did not the quality of
the watermarked images.
1.2 Our Contributions
We consider that it is very important to improve the
quality of the embedded content, while maintaining
the robustness of watermarking methods.
We extend the original SVD domain to the q-
logarithm SVD domain in order to improve the qual-
ity of image and to retain the robustness of water-
marking method. In particular, we make the following
contributions in this paper:
(1) Inspired by the motivation of (Tsallis, 1998),
we present the novel frequency domain, called q-
logarithm SVD domain (q-SVD), for the image wa-
termarking that is not proposed before. – See Section
(2) We investigate the efficiency of the combina-
tions of both parameters Q and q for our method. We
find out the appropriate values for Q and q suitable
for watermark embedding. By these combinations,
the tradeoff of the robustness and the quality can be
controlled by a predefined quantization coefficient Q
of QIM and a parameter q of the q-SVD transform. –
See Section 4.2.
(3) Various simulation experiments are conducted
to demonstrate the performance of our proposed
method. Experimental results show that the proposed
method has stronger robustness against most com-
mon attacks such as the JPEG compression, cropping,
swirl, and so on. – See Section 4.3.
Therefore, by using our method, we simultane-
ously improve the quality of embedded image also
achieve the robustness of the watermark.
1.3 Roadmap
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The
proposed q-SVD domain is described in Section 2 and
we will explain why the q-SVD domain is suitable for
our watermarking method. Section 3 describes our
proposed watermarking method using QIM on the q-
SVD domain. Our simulation results are shown in
Section 4. Section 5 concludes our paper.
BASED ON q-Logarithm
2.1 q-Logarithm and q-Exponential
q-logarithm and its inverse, q-exponential, are the
concept of non-extensive statistics which is intro-