one detection step, that is less time consuming. In-
deed, our tracker is initialized by a detection step
and models are never updated, proving the efficiency
of the method. We also show our tracking can be
embedded into a complete framework dedicated to
text removal. If future works, we plan to overcome
the limitation of our approach and allow to manage
stronger transformations. A simple solution is to add
frequent detections to update the model(s). Another
solution is to extend the state space (add scale param-
eters for example). Usually, increasing the state space
means increasing the number of particles to achieve
good tracking performances. But, because tangent
distance can also handle small transformations, state
space should be sampled more coarsely, then using
fewer particles. We think that, even if we increase the
state space dimension, we probably will need fewer
particles to achieve lower tracking errors, and then
also reduce the computation times.
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