relevant situational awareness of topics and allows
them for serendipitous findings. These findings can
be easily added to existing or form new topic chan-
nels and therefore support the refinement of topics.
Future work includes an evaluation and a user
study of the visualization and to further extend the an-
alytical functionality. A possible idea would be to ad-
ditionally include an event detection mechanism and
automatically feed the resulting terms into the visual-
ization to create a large landscape of events and top-
A further improvement would be to extend the
system with a zooming feature to provide a more de-
tailed view to the users. This allows data to be dis-
played at different levels of granularity in order to get
deeper insights into the interesting points or periods in
time. For the topic channel definition, further options,
such as the source of the tweet (e.g., mobile phone or
web), the geographic region of the tweet or the type
of the tweet (e.g., retweet or direct message), could
be derived from the meta-data of tweets.
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sults, more full-text options, such as fuzzy search or
the exclusion of negative terms could be added. The
importance of the exclusion of negative terms can be
derived from the city observation case study, in which
the results shifted from tweets about the original topic
(reactions to the sport event Marathon) to a differ-
ent topic (reactions to the explosions) and therefore
it would be helpful to separate the topics from each
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