nature of VE and heterogeneity of customer
preferences (decision making criteria), much of the
proposed methods are not generic solutions and
cannot be implemented directly in different decision
making problems.
Partner selection is not a simple optimization
problems (Sari, et al., 2007). Regarding the fact that,
it is very difficult to express the qualitative criteria
with precise values in digits and considering the
nature of quantitative criteria which are represented
in numbers, handling the quantitative criteria
mathematically is much easier than including
qualitative criteria in mathematical models (Ye,
The other difficulty of decision making is that it
involves conflicting criteria. If there is a potential
partner with best score in all criteria surely that
company is the best; however generally this is not
the case in practical applications. For instance a high
quality product usually comes with expensive price.
Hence there is an inevitable trade-off between
criteria which is done on the basis of customer’s
Importance of partner selection problem along
with complexity of this subject drew the attention of
many researchers. Some approaches use Artificial
Intelligence techniques such as Genetic Algorithm to
solve the partner selection’s mathematical model
(Fuqing, et al., 2005), where Sari et al. propose
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to perform
pairwise comparisons between criteria and
alternatives (Sari, et al., 2007). In these
methodologies quantitative criteria are assigned with
a crisp value, neglecting the subjective nature of
them. In contrast, most of the papers in the literature
are hybrid fuzzy approaches which are capable of
handling the imprecision of input data. Mikhailov
and Fei propose Fuzzy-AHP and Fuzzy-TOPSIS
methods respectively (Ye, 2010), (Mikhailov, 2002).
In a study conducted by Bevilacqua and Petroni
fuzzy logic is employed in specifying the relative
importance (weight) given to criteria and in
determining the impact of each supplier on the
attributes considered (Bevilacqua & Petroni, 2010).
Yet this study is conducted in the field of supplier
selection of supply chain management (SC) and
there is insufficient research for applying fuzzy logic
approach in partner selection problem of VE.
Selection of partner enterprises in creation of
virtual enterprise has much in common with supplier
selection of supply chain management. They both
evaluate the companies and try to find the best
alternative with respect to number of factors.
However they are not completely identical. VE is
more dynamic in comparison to SC. Supplier
selection of SC designed for a specific set of
processes, while VE can emerge for fulfilling
different types of projects and customers so VE is
more dynamic in comparison to SC.
The method proposed in this paper is based on
applying fuzzy logic to deal with uncertainty of the
problem; in addition it considers “criteria-specific
membership functions” which is a fact neglected in
the literature to the best of our knowledge.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 reviews some background
information about fuzzy logic. Section 3 explains
and discusses the developed model in details. An
illustrative example is presented in section 4 and the
results of proposed model is compared with fuzzy-
TOPSIS model. Conclusions are discussed and
future research scopes are recommended in the last
Lotfi A. Zadeh published the theory of fuzzy set
mathematics in 1965 and fuzzy logic by extension.
(Zadeh, 1965). Fuzzy set is a valid supporting tool to
overcome uncertainty (Bevilacqua & Petroni, 2010).
Fuzzy Inference system is a popular reasoning
framework based on the concepts of fuzzy set
theory, fuzzy logic and fuzzy IF-THEN rules. Fuzzy
Inference systems make decisions based on inputs in
the form of linguistic variables derived from
membership functions. These variables are then
matched with the preconditions of linguistic IF-
THEN rules called fuzzy logic rules, and the
response of each rule is obtained through fuzzy
implication as a crisp value (Shing & Jang, 1993).
Mamdani fuzzy inference is the most commonly
used inference method introduces by Mamdani in
1975 (Mamdani & Assilian, 1975). The fuzzy
inference involves four steps: 1. Fuzzification of
input variables, 2. Rule Evaluation, 3. Aggregation
of the rule outputs, 4. Defuzzification.
The first step of fuzzy inference system is
calculating the membership degree of inputs to their
belonging fuzzy sets. In the second step fuzzified
values of inputs are used to evaluate fuzzy rules.
Fuzzy rules are contain fuzzy operators (AND or
OR). The next step is aggregating the fuzzy outputs
of all rules. The last step of fuzzy inference process
is defuzzifying the output, conclude the final crisp
value and rank the results.