Prosody based Automatic Classification of the Uses of French ‘Oui’
as Convinced or Unconvinced Uses
Abdenour Hacine-Gharbi
, Mélanie Petit
, Philippe Ravier
and François Némo
PRISME laboratory, University of Orléans, 12 rue de Blois BP 7744 – 45067 Orléans, France
Laboratoire Ligérien de Linguistique, University of Orléans, Orléans, France
LMSE, University of Bordj Bou Arréridj, Bordj Bou Arréridj, Algéria
Keywords: Intonation Classification, HMM, Prosodic Features, Reduction Dimensionality, Curse of Dimensionality,
Wrappers Feature Selection, Categorization of Word’s Uses.
Abstract: When working with oral speech, the issue of natural meaning processing can be improved using easily
available prosodic information. Only recently, semanticists have started to consider that the prosodic
features could play a key role in the interpretation and classification of different word’s uses. In this work,
we propose a prosodic based automatic system that allows to classify the French word ‘oui’ into one of the
classes ‘conviction’ or ‘lack of conviction’. To that aim, a questionnaire inspired from opinion polls has
been created and permitted to obtain 118 occurrences for both classes of ‘oui’. Combined with feature
selection procedure, the best classification rates decreases from 85.45% (speaker dependent mode) to
79.25% (speaker independent mode which is closer to an application). Interestingly, we also introduce the
‘shuttle’ principle that seeks to validate the semantic interpretation thanks to prosodic analysis.
Linguists have always been confronted with the fact
that words have many different meanings
(polysemy). Recently, with authentic oral spoken
data becoming available in large quantities, they
have been confronted with the reality that because
this diversity appears to be much wider than
previously thought, the semantic description,
categorization and classification of these word’s
uses required to be greatly improved as far as
prosody was concerned.
For the past 10 years, in order to do so,
semanticists have started to consider that the
prosodic features could play a key role in the
interpretation and classification of different word’s
uses. The first doctoral works (Petit, 2009) entirely
dedicated to this issue have shown that the prosodic
features could serve as an explanation of aspects of
the word’s interpretation and as a key to the
discrimination of the different word’s uses.
Indeed, the prosody or intonation is an important
information source of spoken communication. It is
the reason why prosody plays a significant role in
syntactic, semantic and pragmatic interpretation
(Kompe, 1997) (Rosenberg, 2009) (Szaszák, Sztahó,
& Vicsi, 2009). Moreover, several studies have
shown the advantages of the prosody in many
spoken language processing tasks including:
automatic speech recognition (Hasegawa-Johnson &
all, 2004, Chao Wang, 2001), speaker identification
(Manganaro, Peskin, & Shriberg, 2002), language
recognition (Mary & Yegnanaray ana, 2008),
Automatic Age Estimation (Spiegl & all, 2009),
Automatic Classification of Dialog Acts (Shriberg
& all), emotions states (Juslin & Laukka, 2003).
In the semantics field, it has been proven that
study of the prosodic pattern of what was believed to
be a single use (interpretation-type) of a sign was
actually revealing the existence of various use-types.
These use-types could be classified according to
their prosodic pattern which means that the study of
these patterns could allow for much more precise
semantic descriptions.
Refining the semantic description of word’s uses
can be of great interest in spoken langage
interpretation. For example, the same word
frequently occuring in an oral opinion poll may have
different meanings and interpretations depending on
its detected prosodic pattern. Because of intrinsinc
large databases related to this industry, achieving
such a goal necessitates both automtaic detection of
Hacine-Gharbi A., Petit M., Ravier P. and Némo F..
Prosody based Automatic Classification of the Uses of French ‘Oui’ as Convinced or Unconvinced Uses.
DOI: 10.5220/0005293103490354
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2015), pages 349-354
ISBN: 978-989-758-077-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
some specific words within the answers and the
prosodic based automatic classification into one of
its individual categorized identified uses.
Moreover, as for the study of the prosodic
pattern themselves, it has been shown that a large
data bank of all the uses of a given sign was
necessary. Up-scaling the standard size of a few
hundred into thousand implies automatic processing
and automatic classification.
Centered on the uses of French oui and English
yes, the DIASEMIE project has thus started to build
such data bases and to categorize individual uses.
What is presented here is one aspect of this process
consisting in the identification of semantic features
whose presence or absence in a given use can be
tested. The feature at stake has been labeled
“conviction” and “lack of conviction” and is
associated with specific contexts of use of French
“oui”. Each one of these semantic features will be
associated to a class in an automatic classification
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the
task of automatic prosodic classification. The final
goal is the categorization of word’s uses that will be
achieved by a systematic comparison of the semantic
and prosodic characterization of the uses.
After a description of the classification system in
the section 2, experiments and results will be
presented in section 3 with a discussion on the
systematic comparison of the characterization of the
A wide range of machine learning techniques have
been applied to the problem of automatic intonation
classification. In (Szaszák, et al., 2009), a prosodic
hidden Markov model (HMM) based modality
recognizer has been developed. In (Shriberg &
Stolcke, 2004), the authors have described a direct
modeling approach of prosody in various speech
technology tasks using either Gaussian mixture
model (GMM) or decision trees. In (Fernandez &
W. Picard, 2002), the authors have studied the use of
Support Vector Machines (SVM) and discriminative
learning techniques on the task of automatic
classification of dialogue acts (DAs) from prosodic
These methods can be grouped into two
categories. The first category considers the prosodic
pattern as a sequence of observation vectors. The
components of the observation vectors are prosodic
parameters computed during an analysis step. The
sequences of vectors are used for training a Hidden
Markov Model, each sequence being associated to a
Classifying consists in deciding whether any
unknown computed prosodic sequence belongs to
one class or to another.
The second category considers the prosodic
pattern as a vector of statistical values of prosodic
parameters (mean, standard deviation, …).
Using these prosodic statistical vectors, a model
for each class can be trained such as GMMs, SVM
models or artificial neural network models.
2.1 Set-up Procedure of the HMM
based Recognition System
In the present work, the prosodic pattern is a
sequence of prosodic vectors belonging to a class of
convinced or unconvinced uses which can be
represented by a HMM. Figure (1) presents the
outline of our automatic classification system of
prosodic patterns into word’s use.
The implementation of this system is mainly based
on the HTK library (Hidden Markov Model Toolkit)
(Young, et al., 1999).
Figure 1: automatic prosody based classification system
into word’s use.
The classes of interest are labeled as ‘conviction’
and ‘lack of conviction’ expressed in the word ‘oui’.
Notice that the described system can be generalized
for any other word, e.g. ‘enfin’ or ‘voila’.
A supervised automatic classification system
needs the achievement of two steps: the first one
consists in detecting the word ‘oui’, this step has
been manually achieved and will not be discussed in
the following; the second step consists in labeling
each occurrence of the word ‘oui’ of the database
into the class ‘conviction’ and ‘lack of conviction’,
this pre-processing step will be discussed in section
A HMM based classification system can be
decomposed into two classical phases, the training
phase and the testing phase. The database is
therefore split into a training database and a testing
database. Both phases rely on a prosodic analyzing
step which consists in transforming the temporal
signal of word ‘oui’ into a sequence of vectors
which components are prosodic features. The
description of the prosodic features is given in the
next section.
During the training phase, the system learns
occurrences of the training database. The result is
HMMs that represent classes through their prosodic
vector sequences (‘using HRest’ command of the
HTK library).
During the testing phase, the sequence of
prosodic vectors of an unknown occurrence is
proposed to the classifier (‘using Hvite’). The
classification decision is made taking the highest
probability between the two classes.
This classification system has been experimented
on a self made database constituted of a relatively
small number of occurrences. Thus, the validation of
such a system could face the curse of dimensionality
problem (a performance decrease with an increase of
the number of prosodic components) (Jain, et al.,
2000). We therefore propose a feature selection step
that will be introduced in section 2.3.
2.2 Definition of the Prosodic Feature
Typical features that characterize prosody can be the
pitch f
(Hz) and the energy E (dB). Thanks to
PRAAT software (Boersma & Weenink, 2014),
these parameters are computed every 10 ms on 30
ms analyzing windows of the temporal signal
corresponding to an occurrence of the word ‘oui’. A
dynamic description of these static parameters f
E is added by computing differential parameters of
first and second order and ∆∆ using HTK library.
Thus, each occurrence of the word ‘oui’ is
represented by a sequence of vectors with 6 prosodic
components noted as E, f
, ∆E , ∆f
, ∆∆E, ∆∆f
The issue of the HMM based classifier is to
make a decision for assigning the use of the word
‘oui’ in a predefined class, from a sequence of
vectors composed of 6 prosodic parameters.
In our application, the HMM structures
associated to the classes ‘conviction’ and ‘lack of
conviction’ are composed of 5 states per class (and
one state more for input and output) with mixture of
3 Gaussians per state.
The quality of the classification system is
evaluated by a classification rate defined as:
where N is the total number of occurrences given at
the input of the classifier and S is the number of
misclassified occurrences.
2.3 The Feature Selection Problem
Dimensionality reduction of the feature vectors can
be achieved using features selection algorithms
which select a subset of relevant feature from an
initial set of features. These algorithms can be
grouped into approaches that are classifier
dependent (‘wrapper’ methods) and classifier
independent (‘filter’ methods). Despite the wrapper
methods have the disadvantage of a considerable
computational expense; they have higher learning
capacity in terms of over fitting (Brown, et al.,
2012). So, in our work, we adopt wrapper methods
because the disadvantage is minimized using only 6
features as initial set in the features selection. In
particular, we use a forward sequential algorithm in
which we select one feature at each step of selection.
Moreover, the small size of the database makes the
algorithm computationally tractable.
3.1 Database Elaboration
In order to test the feasability of categorization of
word’s uses based on prosodic features, a small oral
corpus has been created inspired from questions that
can be asked in real opinion polls. The motivation
for the construction of this database was to rapidly
collect many instances of the word ‘oui’ thanks to
questions leading to pronouncing the word ‘oui’
with expression of conviction’ or ‘lack of
conviction’. The questionnaire is composed of 4
series with 10 questions each. Each series tackles
more and more polemic topics (personal phone use,
sport, European Union and politics). A group of 8
women and 17 men, all French native speakers,
answered to this questionary. They were fully
informed about the experimental procedures and all
gave their signed consent.
It was difficult to label all the occurences of the
word ‘oui’ in the dichotomy ‘conviction’ and ‘lack
of conviction’, either because the conviction issue
was not at stake, or because the word ‘oui’
expressed another feeling (pride, lassitude…). A
total of 52 occurrences for the class ‘lack of
convition’ was obtained (taking into account some
duplications of ‘oui’) and 66 occurrences were
obtained for the class ‘conviction’. The semantic
categorization has been perceptually achieved using
co-textual criteria.
3.2 Experimental Results of
In the first experiment, we consider an intonation
classification into the uses of the word ‘oui’ in
speaker dependent mode. The database has been
split into a set of 53.39% of the occurrences for the
training phase and 46.61% for the testing phase. In
this mode, the speakers participating in the testing
phase have already participated in the training phase.
In the second experiment, we consider an intonation
classification system which is speaker independent.
In this mode, the database has been split into a set of
55.08% of the occurrences for the training phase and
44.92% for the testing phase. The database division
slightly differs with respect to the speaker dependent
case because of the constraint of balanced
occurrences number between the phases. The two
modes considered allow us to quantify the influence
of the speaker identity on the system performances.
The results show a classification rate of 80% in
speaker dependent mode with the use of 6 features
defined below. In the second mode, the results show
a classification rate of 66.04% which demonstrates
performance destruction compared to the first mode.
This can be justified by an important prosodic
variability (example: pitch variability) in the second
mode caused by speakers inter-variability.
However, the relative reduced size of the
database let the question of features relevance arise.
In order to give an answer to this question, we
thus propose to add a feature selection step. This
issue is discussed in the next section.
3.3 Feature Selection
We propose to select the most pertinent features for
the discrimination between the two classes
‘conviction / lack of conviction’ in the ‘oui’
database. The wrapper algorithm with the forward
strategy has been applied in the first and second
classification modes
The different steps of this algorithm are:
1. F= {E, f
,E ,f
,∆E, ∆f
} , S={}, n=6
(initial number of parameters),
2. - Evaluate the classification rate (CR) for
each feature
- Select the first feature 
- F=F-{
}, S={
3. - In the iteration j, for each
the classification rate CR using the
following set of features: ∪
- Select the feature 
 
- F=F-{
}, 
4. Repeat the step 3 until j=n,
5. Give the output set S that yields the
maximum CR.
The table I displays the classification rate (CR) as a
function of the number of selected features j in the
speaker dependent mode.
Table I: Classification rate (CR) as a function of the
number of selected features in the speaker dependent
j 1 2 3 4 5 6
selected at
Iteration j
E f
∆∆ f
E ∆∆E f
CR (%) 72.73 83.64 81.82
81.82 80.00
From Table I, a number of remarks can be made:
The set of features {E, ∆f
,f0,E} provides
better performance (85.45%) than the set of all
features (80%). This can be explained by the
curse of dimensionality phenomenon caused by
the lack of data for modelling the classes with a
set of 6 prosodic features.
The dynamic prosodic feature f
with the
energy play an important role for this task of
classification in the speaker dependent mode.
The statistic feature pitch f
is not relevant for
this task of classification.
The table II displays the classification rate (CR) as a
function of the number of selected features j in the
speaker independent mode.
Table II: Classification rate (CR) as function of the
number of selected features in the speaker independent
j 1 2 3 4 5 6
selected at
Iteration j
E f
∆∆ f
E ∆∆E
CR (%) 71.70 73.58
75.47 71.70 66.04
From Table II, a number of remarks can be made:
The set of features {f
, E, f
} provides better
performances (79.25%) than the set of all features
The dynamic prosodic feature f
and the energy
also play an important role for this task of
3.4 Discussion
Previous work in the area has shown that a crucial
part of the word’s uses categorization consists in a
systematic comparison of the semantic and prosodic
characterization of the uses. On the one hand, all
uses with the same prosodic patterns are each other
compared. On the other hand, all uses with the same
semantic categorization are compared. If semantic
characterization is always reliable (what is said is
true), it cannot be robust (i.e. it does not tell all the
truth) because the characterization may change with
co-textual criteria. The categorization has therefore
to be improved through what we call the “shuttle”
As we shall see, it follows from this that the
success of automatic classification and clustering
cannot be measured only by its capacity to predict
the initial categorization, but by its capacity to “fail
rightly” whenever apparent “errors” of classification
are proving that the semantics of the uses at stake is
more complex than initially understood, for example
when a given use actually associates indices of non-
conviction and indices of conviction.
The shuttle process is a consequence of the fact
that from a semantic perspective, any difficulty to
match prosodic form with interpretation must be
interpreted as meaning either: a) that the initial
semantic classification is wrong ; b) that
discrimination remains suboptimal; c) that the use at
stake combines (for a reason which has to be
determined) semantic features which are normally
mutually exclusive.
As for the present study, case c proved to be the
case for 6 out of the 7 “faultyclassifications, all of
whom resulted being uses in which the
“unconvinced feature was describing correctly the
start of the speakers intervention/use whose ending
develop into a finally convinced “oui”. Because
classification is based on the form of “oui” itself, it
may thus be said that the apparent "mistake" was no
mistake and instead that it is the initial semantic
classification which was suboptimal, illustrating the
constant reality that taking into account prosodic
form allows for better semantics.
Finally, the ‘shuttle’ procedure permits
displaying two classification rates. The first
classification rate is an apparent’ one and
corresponds to the actual rate given by the
classification system. However, after careful re-
examination and re-interpretation of the errors, the
occurences can be re-qualified in cases where the
classification machine ‘fails rightly’ or ‘fails
wrongly’. In the ‘rightly’ case, the errors either
reflect complex situations which cannot be entirely
characterized by prosodic patterns or correspond to
situations where co-textual criteria cannot be
considered in the prosodic based classifier. Thus, the
second classification rate can be introduced as a
‘real’ machine classification rate which is evaluated
after possible relabeling or withdrawing of the
misclassified occurences.
In this paper, we have shown that using prosodic
information of the word ‘oui’ can be useful for its
semantic interpretation since about 80% of
classification rate can be obtained in the
classification task between ‘conviction’ and ‘lack of
conviction’. Moreover, we have also proved that a
feature selection step could improve the
classification performance for both the speaker
dependent and speaker independent investigated
modes. This result can be explained by the curse of
dimensionality phenomenon caused by the limited
size database.
This study suggested that the semantic
interpretation with prosodic analysis could be
refined through the ‘shuttle’ process which consists
in reconsidering the misclassified cases possibly
‘failing rightly’ or ‘wrongly’.
Future work concerns the influence of the age
and gender of the speaker.
This work is funded by the région Centre, France.
This collaborative work implies four laboratories of
the University of Orléans (LLL, PRISME/IRAuS,
LIFO, MAPMO). All the persons involved in this
project are acknowledged for their active
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