adopting an efficient and accurate network-wide
error control approach prior to network deployment
is almost impossible. A very weak error control
approach may not be able to correct many errors
while a too strong code results in waste of time and
energy resources. Dynamic error control schemes
which are allocating the correctional power in an on-
demand manner based on both the information-value
and channel state are viable alternatives to static
error control schemes, where the link conditions or
packets’ information-values are not taken into
account. In this way and for the sake of efficiency,
the information-value of a packet can be put into
perspective with the amount of effort (in terms of
energy expenditure) that is required to reliably
transmit the given packet. Furthermore, since the
wireless channel is inherently lossy and often
manifests itself with bursts errors correlated in time,
a reliable data dissemination should be capable of
counteracting a large number of consecutive or burst
errors. Since the application of run-time
information-aware adaptive error control
mechanisms for WSNs operating under timely and
spatially variable channel conditions has generally
been less-studied, in this paper we give emphasize to
this type of application. In this paper, first the factors
that may influence the information-value of a packet
will be investigated. Then we incorporate all these
obtained factors in order to estimate the information-
value of the packets. Finally, we exploit the
information-value as a means to properly adjust the
parameters of the adaptive error control code in use.
In this regards, we propose RAFEC*, which is a
Run-time Adaptive FEC-based data dissemination
protocol to enhance reliability, based on the amount
of information the packets carry over a long-term
error-bursty channel in a chain-based WSN. This
adaptation gives the possibility to vary the code
strength and complexity on-demand and on the fly.
One should not that the targeted topology in
RAFEC* is chain topology. Importantly, there is not
much work on reliable data dissemination in chain-
based wireless sensor networks and thus there are
some areas to which special attention should be paid.
Even though many reliable data disseminating
protocols have been designed for wireless sensor
networks (Al-Karaki and Kamal 2004), most of
them are usually designed for a general topology
such as mesh which work well in a multi-
dimensional deployment. For applications with
linear topology, in which nodes are usually lined up
in one-dimensional formation, however, a mesh
topology may not be appropriate or simply not
feasible due to the physical structure or measuring
point distribution, among others. Moreover, it is a
good idea to take the advantage of a linear topology
over a predetermined linear infrastructure (e.g.
bridge, tunnel, etc.), which may be quite different
than a randomly deployed network.
The Need for Packet-level FEC
Basically, FEC applied at the bit-level and byte-level
is appropriate for short-term errors and additive
white Gaussian noise when rapid fluctuation is
experienced over a short period of time. This is
because in this situation, only some bits or bytes of a
packet are influenced. FEC applied at bit- or byte-
level is less efficient in recovery from burst bit
errors caused by long-term fading and expanded
over several packets. In this regards, it is unable to
recover a completely lost or delayed packet.
Therefore, in these cases either ARQ or a packet-
level FEC should be employed. ARQ-based
approaches are effective only for a shorter time-scale
or short-term burst errors. In this respect, even
though ARQ could tolerate long-term fading to some
extent, but more persistent fluctuations make this
approach as inefficient as bit- and byte-level FEC.
To overcome the unreliability caused by more
persistent fluctuations or long-term burst errors,
application-level or packet-level FEC may be used.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
First we explain the assumption and model we used
in Section 2, which is followed by the related work
in Section 3. Then in Section 4, we describe the
problem statement and our contribution. We
elaborate on our proposed RAFEC* protocol in
Section 5. Then in section 6 we present the
simulation setup and performance evaluation results.
Finally in Section 7 we draw the conclusion.
We make the following assumptions regarding the
• The WSN consists of N sensor nodes uniformly
and randomly deployed in a chain topology.
• The channel is considered to vary slowly with
respect to the data transmission rate, and thereby
the channels state transitions occur infrequently.
• A systematic code is preferred, as it less suffers
from delays imposed by the block code
• Uncertainty parameters of the nodes and links
are fixed over transmitting a single code-word.
• The transmission errors are assumed to be local