Protecting Informative Messages over Burst Error Channels in
Chain-based Wireless Sensor Networks
Zahra Taghikhaki, Nirvana Meratnia and Paul Havinga
Pervasive System Group, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Keywords: Wireless sensor networks, Reliability, Information-value, Adaptive error control, Information-aware, FEC.
Abstract: Regardless of the application, the way that data and information are disseminated is an important aspect in
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The wireless data dissemination protocol should often guarantee a
minimum reliability requirement. In this regard and to well-balance the energy and reliability, the more
important packets should be protected by more powerful error control codes than the less important ones.
This information-aware capability allows a system to deliver critical information with high reliability but
potentially at a higher resource cost. In this paper, we first find and evaluate the factors that may influence
the importance level of a packet and then design an error control approach by adaptively selecting codes for
each individual links which experience long-term-fading and for each individual packet at run-time instead
of applying network-wide settings prior to deployment. Moreover, we target the poor-explored chain-based
topology that is of interest for many applications (e.g. monitoring bridge, tunnel, etc.). Simulation results
validate the superiority of our approach compared with a number of Reed-Solomon-based error control
Adhering to the packet-level or data constraints
while designing a data disseminating protocol for
WSNs may improve the system performance.
Most telecommunication systems use a fixed
channel code to tolerate the expected worst-case
error rate, which implies that they fail to operate at
all if the error rate is worsened. The wireless channel
is typically time varying and can exhibit high error
rate over time. In order to improve the reliability of
the data which is transmitted in WSNs, the error
control approaches such as ARQ and FEC can be
applied. Putting their advantages aside, existing
error control techniques contribute to increase of the
energy consumption due to the redundant data to be
transmitted. Since energy is a scarce resource in
WSNs, the type and the strength of the error control
in use should be dependent on the type of the
application. Generally speaking, event detection
applications of WSNs need to execute more efficient
and powerful error control techniques compared
with periodic monitoring applications. However, the
distinction between different packet type as being
transmitted in these two classes of applications
(periodic data and alarm) is neither general enough
nor captures some important cases (e.g. the effect of
channel condition or aggregation function) in WSNs.
Therefore, even within a specific class of
application, it would not be a proper to use a single
error control code for all packets regardless of their
different channel conditions or importance of
information they carry. It is quite likely that even
two packets both of which carry periodic monitoring
data, not have the same amount of information and
importance. For example, in a chain-based WSN
data aggregation mechanisms are often used along
the path with the aim of reducing the number of
transmitted packets. Therefore, some packets may
contain the aggregated readings of many nodes.
These packets thus should be sent more reliably as
they carry more informational value. It would be
therefore a good idea to classify packets on the basis
of their information-value based on which a proper
error control scheme can be applied. By doing so,
more important packets that have relatively high
information-value are transmitted more reliably than
packets carrying less important information. This is
to well-balance the energy expenditure (caused by
data and parity packets) and reliability. It is worth
mentioning that by information-value we mean the
amount of information a packet may have for the
base station. Having dynamics of WSN into mind,
Taghikhaki Z., Meratnia N. and Havinga P..
Protecting Informative Messages over Burst Error Channels in Chain-based Wireless Sensor Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0005294601300141
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS-2015), pages 130-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-086-4
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
adopting an efficient and accurate network-wide
error control approach prior to network deployment
is almost impossible. A very weak error control
approach may not be able to correct many errors
while a too strong code results in waste of time and
energy resources. Dynamic error control schemes
which are allocating the correctional power in an on-
demand manner based on both the information-value
and channel state are viable alternatives to static
error control schemes, where the link conditions or
packets’ information-values are not taken into
account. In this way and for the sake of efficiency,
the information-value of a packet can be put into
perspective with the amount of effort (in terms of
energy expenditure) that is required to reliably
transmit the given packet. Furthermore, since the
wireless channel is inherently lossy and often
manifests itself with bursts errors correlated in time,
a reliable data dissemination should be capable of
counteracting a large number of consecutive or burst
errors. Since the application of run-time
information-aware adaptive error control
mechanisms for WSNs operating under timely and
spatially variable channel conditions has generally
been less-studied, in this paper we give emphasize to
this type of application. In this paper, first the factors
that may influence the information-value of a packet
will be investigated. Then we incorporate all these
obtained factors in order to estimate the information-
value of the packets. Finally, we exploit the
information-value as a means to properly adjust the
parameters of the adaptive error control code in use.
In this regards, we propose RAFEC*, which is a
Run-time Adaptive FEC-based data dissemination
protocol to enhance reliability, based on the amount
of information the packets carry over a long-term
error-bursty channel in a chain-based WSN. This
adaptation gives the possibility to vary the code
strength and complexity on-demand and on the fly.
One should not that the targeted topology in
RAFEC* is chain topology. Importantly, there is not
much work on reliable data dissemination in chain-
based wireless sensor networks and thus there are
some areas to which special attention should be paid.
Even though many reliable data disseminating
protocols have been designed for wireless sensor
networks (Al-Karaki and Kamal 2004), most of
them are usually designed for a general topology
such as mesh which work well in a multi-
dimensional deployment. For applications with
linear topology, in which nodes are usually lined up
in one-dimensional formation, however, a mesh
topology may not be appropriate or simply not
feasible due to the physical structure or measuring
point distribution, among others. Moreover, it is a
good idea to take the advantage of a linear topology
over a predetermined linear infrastructure (e.g.
bridge, tunnel, etc.), which may be quite different
than a randomly deployed network.
The Need for Packet-level FEC
Basically, FEC applied at the bit-level and byte-level
is appropriate for short-term errors and additive
white Gaussian noise when rapid fluctuation is
experienced over a short period of time. This is
because in this situation, only some bits or bytes of a
packet are influenced. FEC applied at bit- or byte-
level is less efficient in recovery from burst bit
errors caused by long-term fading and expanded
over several packets. In this regards, it is unable to
recover a completely lost or delayed packet.
Therefore, in these cases either ARQ or a packet-
level FEC should be employed. ARQ-based
approaches are effective only for a shorter time-scale
or short-term burst errors. In this respect, even
though ARQ could tolerate long-term fading to some
extent, but more persistent fluctuations make this
approach as inefficient as bit- and byte-level FEC.
To overcome the unreliability caused by more
persistent fluctuations or long-term burst errors,
application-level or packet-level FEC may be used.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
First we explain the assumption and model we used
in Section 2, which is followed by the related work
in Section 3. Then in Section 4, we describe the
problem statement and our contribution. We
elaborate on our proposed RAFEC* protocol in
Section 5. Then in section 6 we present the
simulation setup and performance evaluation results.
Finally in Section 7 we draw the conclusion.
We make the following assumptions regarding the
The WSN consists of N sensor nodes uniformly
and randomly deployed in a chain topology.
The channel is considered to vary slowly with
respect to the data transmission rate, and thereby
the channels state transitions occur infrequently.
A systematic code is preferred, as it less suffers
from delays imposed by the block code
Uncertainty parameters of the nodes and links
are fixed over transmitting a single code-word.
The transmission errors are assumed to be local
and spatially and temporally variable, which in
turn should be tackled on a per-link and not
network-wide basis.
Channel Model
In wireless networks, the cause of packet loss can
become more complex and dynamic so that the
frequency of the error bursts varies over time. We
use a Quasi-Stationary Gilbert-Elliot (QSGE) model,
as shown in Figure 1, in order to model channel
states. Each state S
which corresponds to a specific
packet error rate 
follows a Gilbert-Elliot
model with some probabilities (p and q) associated
to it. The B (Bad) and G (Good) states are also a
series of Bernoulli trials.
Figure 1: Quasi-stationary Gilbert-Elliot model.
Each state S
represents the expected PER
, and the conditional one
step probabilities of going from channel state S
channel state S
is given by
. The channel could
be described in form of a transition matrix with
entries as cross over probability over all combination
of states. The corresponding state transition matrix
 of the 0, that governs the process of how
the channel introduces different error rates, is
expressed as:
In order to simulate slowly varying channel the
following relationship among transition probabilities
should be presented:
Although numerous research have been published
related to error control in wireless networks,
especially in cellular networks, most of these are not
directly applicable to WSNs. The limited energy,
low complexity of the sensor node hardware, and
harsh/dynamic environment of the deployment area
necessitates an energy-efficient and more dynamic
or adaptive error control strategy to be used.
The adaptive reliable data dissemination
protocols typically fall in two main categories:
(i) Link-aware: This category of protocol including
(Comroe and Costello Jr 1984; Ahn, Hong et al.
2005; Charfi, Wakamiya et al. 2007; Liankuan,
Deqin et al. 2010; Eriksson, Bjornemo et al.
2011; Hurni and Braun 2011; Yu, Barac et al.
2012) (Yan-ming, Yong-jun et al. 2009;
Taghikhaki, Meratnia et al. 2012; Taghikhaki,
Meratnia et al. 2013) propose error control
schemes whose correction capability vary
according to the links quality.
(ii) Information-aware: The basic idea of this
category of protocols including (Deb, Bhatnagar
et al. 2003) (Deb, Bhatnagar et al. 2003)
(Bhatnagar, Deb et al. 2001; Karl, Löbbers et al.
2003) (Kopke, Karl et al. 2005) (Kleinschmidt,
Borelli et al. 2009; Kleinschmidt and da Cunha
Borelli 2009) is that not all ‘to be transferred’
packets require 100% reliable delivery. Instead,
the reliability is application-specific and
reliability requirements depend on the different
importance levels of packets or environmental
conditions. The advantage offered by this
category of protocols is that limited resources,
such as bandwidth and energy, will only be spent
on important information with high-reliability
requirements. These protocols basically rely on
information-awareness and consider diverse
priorities among different packets. The novelty
of these approaches is that they consider the need
for information-awareness and adaptability to the
link quality along with allocation of network
resources based on the criticality of data. Each
priority level is usually mapped to a desired
reliability for data delivery.
Most of these approaches assume a simple
independent loss channel, which is modeled by
Bernoulli distribution and therefore they usually fail
to be applied in error-bursty channels.
Basically, all packet transmissions in these
approaches have the same probability to fail and
each transmission error is independent from the
others. However, wireless channel is inherently
lossy and often manifests itself in the form of burst
errors correlated in time. Therefore, a reliable data
dissemination should be capable of counteracting
long-term fading possibly extending over several
packets because of high concentrations of errors. To
cope with this issue, a packet-level adaptive forward
error correction may be a good alternative.
Some approaches rely on the multiple path
transmission, which are highly dependent on the
network topology. In a chain-based topology where
the communication of a sensor node is often
restricted only to its immediate neighboring nodes
(i.e. successor and predecessor node), we cannot
well-benefit from the availability of multiple paths
to salvage data packets from node/link failures. In
case of using duplicate-sensitive aggregation
functions such as SUM or AVERAGE, these multi-
path approaches should employ some more resource
demanding methods to filter out the redundant data.
Moreover, these approaches require to some extent
ensure that only one of the upstream neighbors
forward the packet copies through multi-paths,
otherwise they will introduce large amount of
traffic, which leads to waste of resources in case all
upstream neighbors send multiple copies. To strictly
enforce that only one of the upstream nodes transmit
the packet copies, these approaches may either incur
extra overhead in the form of some control packets
or use some probabilistic methods to lower down the
probability of transmitting a packet by the upstream
nodes (Deb, Bhatnagar et al. 2003).
Majority of the information-aware protocols do
not evaluate the information-value of the packets
and assume that sensor nodes have a priori
knowledge to determine the importance level of the
packets. Using these approaches, when a source
node initiates a packet, it should set the importance
level (or information-value) of the packet. However,
asking sensor nodes to determine the importance
level of the sensory data introduces new challenges
which may require complex algorithms to perform
pattern matching or execute artificial intelligence
techniques. Moreover, in these approaches the
importance level of each packet is set once on the
source node and does not change along the path.
Therefore, if an important sensory data is modified
along the path in such a way that it cannot anymore
reflect the phenomena state, transmitting it leads to
wasting sensor/network resources. To cope with this
issue, the importance level of the packets should
vary along the path by considering the factors which
may influence the packet importance level.
Some approaches specially those which consider
the aggregation degree to determine the importance
level of the packets, poorly perform in case of being
applied in uniformly distributed deployments. Non-
uniform and unevenly distribution of sensor nodes
results in some areas to be monitored by many
sensors while other areas will be monitored only by
a few nodes. Therefore, considering just the
aggregation degree of the nodes may not well-reflect
the importance level of the data. In this regard, the
information-value of the packets should be
determined in such a way that could also be applied
for non-uniformly distributed deployments.
The above discussion highlights the need for an
adaptive reliable chain-based disseminating protocol
based on both packet information-value and link
quality. To this end and to address most of above
shortcomings, an adaptive energy-efficient reliable
disseminating protocol is needed which (i) can be
applied to non-uniform deployments with linear
topology (ii) tackles the long-term error bursts, (iii)
incorporates various factors that may influence the
information quality of the packets, and (iv) considers
packet delivery ratio as the link quality metric, rather
than considering immediate channel quality
indicators such as RSSI and SNR which are not
appropriate for long-term error burst.
Given an already deployed linear WSN, the problem
at hand is to design an adaptive, reliable, energy-
efficient, and Information-Link-aware data
dissemination protocol. We summarize our
contribution related to this paper as: (i) Investigating
and quantifying different factors which may
influence the information-value of packets and
incorporating the above identified factors in
evaluation of informational content and importance
of packets. (ii) proposing RAFEC*, i.e., an adaptive,
energy-efficient, reliable, information-link-aware
data dissemination approach, which is able to (a)
cope with periodic long-term loss process in a linear
chain-based WSNs and (b) switches among error
control codes with different powers to vary the code
strength and complexity in on demand.
In this section we elaborate on RAFEC*, which is a
Run-time Adaptive FEC-based data dissemination
protocol that improves reliability of packet delivery
based on the amount of information they carry over
a bursty channel in a chain-based WSN. To this end,
(i) the mechanism for associating the error control
codes to the states of QSGE model is described (ii)
packet information and link quality are estimated
and (iii) the strategy using which an appropriate
error control code is assigned to a specific packet is
Basically, the activities performed by every
sensor node i can be organized into sequences each
of which may correspond to processing one code-
word 
as shown in Figure 2
Assigning Error Control Codes to
the Channel States
As we stated before, in RAFEC* the channel is
modeled as a M-states QSGE model with a packet
error rate 
assigned to each state S
. Therefore,
at any moment of time the state of the channel
should fit one of the states specified by the channel
Having the packet error rate PER
of each state
of the M-state QSGE model, an error control code
which can effectively counteract the available errors
may be designed. To this end, the error control codes
in RAFEC* are selected from a single family of FEC
block codes such as 
 which represented a
family block code for a Reed-Solomon code:
where k represents number of original data and t
represents correction capability of the Reed-
Solomon code RS(n,k). Each member of family
block 
can correct up to a specific number
of error t. RAFEC* uses 
for the M-state
QSGE model. Therefore, each state S
of the M-state
channel, which exhibits a specific error rate 
can adopt one member of 
based on the
below Equation provided that |
To this end, the most efficient error control code
denoted by ECC
which exhibits the “just enough”
correctional power for the channel state S
is RS (n,
). In this way, each channel state S
can be
described using two parameters 
and K
, K
). In short, a particular coding strategy
is associated with each channel state S
criteria by which this coding strategy is selected is
addressed in above Equation.
Assessing Packet Information and
Link Quality
Since the choice of error control code for each
packet in RAFEC* is based on the quality of service
parameters, the information-value and packet
importance as well as properties of error traces
which are captured from transmission history, the
following tasks need to be performed by the sensor
Estimation of packet’s information value
Estimation of link quality
5.2.1 Estimation of Information-Value
The information-value could be influenced by
several factors which may have different priorities in
different applications. In what follows we express
these factors which we then take into consideration
to estimate information-value of a packet.
Node functionality: Faulty sensor nodes could
influence network operation and pose a
challenging constraint in the design of a protocol
for WSNs. Most of reliable data dissemination
protocols usually concentrate on the link quality
and less effort has been put into the node’s
functionality. Having a reliable dissemination
protocol by itself is not useful if relay nodes
through which data is disseminated are faulty and
malfunctioning. Therefore, it is important that all
sensor units relevant to the accomplishing task
operate well-enough in order to ensure high
reliability. In this regard, the quality of sensing and
computing unit of relay nodes should be
considered when estimating packet information-
value. To estimate the quality of sensor units, we
use a trust-based approach as introduced in
(Taghikhaki, Meratnia et al. 2013).
Node contribution degree: The relative position of
each node in the network may also impact the
information-value of a packet being disseminated
through the given node. Generally speaking, the
higher contribution degree of a node, the higher
information-value. As can be seen from figure 3,
contribution degree of node S
is higher than S
it monitors three critical points (
3) while
only monitors one critical point (
Node contribution degree is determined by the base
station which informs each node about its .
Figure 2: Activities performed by relay node i.
Figure 3: Illustrative example of node contribution degree.
Node spatial density: If sensor nodes are not
evenly distributed, it is likely that some sensor
nodes simultaneously and so redundantly observe
a critical point while some nodes only and lonely
observe a critical point. In this case, relying only
on the coverage degree does not well reflect the
amount of information being sent by the sensor
nodes. As can be seen from Figure 4 although
, S
is the only node which can
observe critical point CP
while critical point CP
is being monitored by other three nodes in addition
to node S
. Therefore, a sensory data coming from
a region that is already covered (either fully or
partially) by other nodes has less informative
content. On the other hand, if a sensor node is
located in such a place where it covers one or some
critical points which are not been observed by any
otherwise node, its sensed data more likely carries
quite significant information. Node spatial density
can easily be determined by the base station in the
initialization phase and then the base station
informs each node about it.
Figure 4: Illustrative example of node spatial density.
Strategic Area: The value of data collected from
different critical regions may not necessarily be
equal. A given application (either always or
sometime) may be more interested in data of some
specific cells/regions. Therefore, the information-
value of packets carrying this data is higher. As it
can be seen from 0 although node S
monitors two
critical points (i.e., CP
and CP
both having
importance of 1) and node S
monitors one critical
point CP
having importance of 4, information-
value of data coming from node S
is higher as it
covers a more strategic area. In the initialization
phase, the base station informs each node about the
strategic level (or criticalness) of an area in where
the given node is located.
Figure 5: Illustrative example of different strategic area.
Traveled Distance Ratio: If a packet is lost at the
first hops, (i) lesser energy has been consumed for
its relay and (ii) lesser information (in case of
doing aggregation along the path) are lost,
compared to when it is lost at further hops.
Therefore, it makes sense to use stronger error
control codes for packets being relayed for longer
distance. This parameter can be determined by
increasing a counter (a packet’s field) whose value
is zero in the source node.
After identifying the aforementioned factors that
may impact the quality of data packets, we here
explain how to estimate the information-value and
importance of packets per hop.
In Equation (3) we combine all aforementioned
factors except Traveled Distance Ratio. The reason
to leave Traveled Distance Ratio out of this equation
is that all other factors are node-dependent while
Traveled Distance Ratio is both packet-dependent
and node-dependent.
where CCovk represents the set of nodes that
cover the common/critical point k, SCovi states set
of common/critical points which have already been
covered by sensor node i, σ
denotes how critical
and strategic the data of common/critical point k is,
and γ
signifies node i functionality which is
obtained from (Taghikhaki, Meratnia et al. 2013).
for common/critical point k.
To also take Travelled Distance Ratio into
account, we utilize Equation (4), where SIDp
represents ID of the source node which initiates the
data packet p. The numerator evaluates the travelled
distance while the denominator represents the
distance between the base station (BS) and the
source node.
Exploiting Equation (3) and (4) further, information-
value denoted by χ
of packet p being sent by
sensor node i can be calculated using Equation (5).
 
where ̀ represents maximum information-value
that a data packet may have.
Weights (ϖ
) used in Equation (5)can be
adjusted according to the application specific
knowledge. For instance, if the application does not
perform aggregation on the intermediate nodes and
thus the relay nodes carry only the raw data, we may
set ϖ
1 and ϖ
0. For the sake of simplicity
and without loss of generality, we can map packet’s
information-value denoted by χ into d
values. Doing so, we will have d
different packet
types each of which contains a specific amount of
information and thus their required reliabilities are
different. Therefore, d
also shows the number of
required error control codes each of which is
assigned to a specific information-value. In this
thesis by using Equation (6), we map packet’s
information-value into discrete values 1, 2 and 3. By
doing so, three different packet types will be defined
in terms of information-value they may have.
However, depending on the available error control
codes which are implemented in the sensor nodes we
can have different values for d
1 0<0.3
2 0.3<0.6
3 0.6
5.2.2 Estimation of Link Quality
To estimate the link quality, RAFEC* employs a
passive link monitoring strategy, which exploits
existing traffic without incurring additional
communication overhead.
The link quality estimation process in RAFEC*
is performed first over a sequence of packets (say
packet-level estimation) and then over a sequence of
code-words (say code-word-level estimation).
Having statistics about a given link qualities over
the last sliding window, we calculate the average
error rate 
As will be stated later, dependent on amount of
information a packet carries, we change in order
to capture the effective-error-rate on the links.
Adaptive Packet-link-Local Error
Having both information-value of packets and
packet error rates captured from transmissions
history, strength and complexity of the error control
codes can be adapted on demand. Having higher
information-value or poorer link quality requires
utilization of a more powerful error control code. On
the contrary, having lower information-value or
higher quality link requires a weaker code.
It is noteworthy that we consider a multi-hop
FEC protection mechanism, in which intermediate
nodes need to perform encoding and decoding
functions individually and locally at each hop. This
way of locally protection helps our approach being
easily applied to large-scale networks.
In Section 5.1, we explained how Reed-Solomon
code is assigned to each channel state of QSGE
model based on the packet error rate 
of each
state S
. Basically, effective-error-rate  of a link
at any moment of time u should correspond to one of
the 
specified by the QSGE model.
Then according to Equation (7), the error control
code ECC
, which is associated to the state S
be decided as the code  that should be
utilized for the error rate .
Our strategy to estimate the effective error rate
can be summarized as:
First, we calculate the average error rate for three
different values (i.e. 1,2,3) assigned to . In this
regard, dependent on the value, three different
average error rates 
may obtain. According
to Equation() we put each of these three values to a
Second, having Information-value of the packet we
estimate the effective error rate for each packet
If information-value of the packet is 1
then the effective error rate will be
If the packet has higher information-value
(2 then will be Max(
If the packet has the highest information-
value (3, the effective packet error rate
will be Max
According to above, the effective packet error rate
based on which the error control code is selected,
varies according to the information-value . In this
regard, a packet with high/low information-value
should be equipped with a strong/weak error control
code  presented in Equation (7).
Performance Metrics
We consider the following metrics to evaluate the
performance of our approaches under different
Information-aware Reliability Ratio (IRR):
This metric evaluates reliability ratio by taking
information-value of the packets into account
using Equation (9):
represents the number of sensor nodes.
 are the
number of data packets with information-value
transmitted by node i, received by node i
error-freely and correctly being recovered by
node i, respectively. According to Equation (9),
we will have three different IRRs each of which
representing the achieved reliability ratio for a
specific information-value .
Code Rate: This metric represents the
proportion of the useful (non-parity) packets in a
code-word. By the means of this metric, we
express the code’s efficiency and the redundancy
introduced by the code.
Information-aware System Efficiency: It is
generally accepted that additional parity packets
(or lowering the code rate) can be tolerated as
long as loss-resiliency at the receiver side is
increased. Therefore, the system efficiency
metric is introduced to express the tradeoff
between the energy expenditure and reliability.
To this end we make a relation between
information-value arriving at the destination with
the amount of redundancy (parity packets) and
define Equation(10) as:
represents the number of redundant
(parity) packets sent by node i. and 
represents the amount of gain that an application
earns by receiving a packet with an information-
value . We assume that the gain of a packet with
3 is twice of that for 2 and four times of
that for 1. Therefore,
41. By doing so,
receiving a packet with information-value 2
worth twice as much as receiving a packet with
information-value 1.
Simulation Setup and Scenario
We consider a chain consists of 20 nodes which are
linearly deployed in an area of
and in
all simulations, the source or initiative node is the
leftmost node. The sensing range of nodes is to 35m.
Unless otherwise states, the simulation parameters
are as described here. The deployment area is
divided into some regions
half of which
are labeled as critical and the rest are labeled as
uncritical. It is worth mentioning that since RAFEC*
is a link-local error control approach, the number of
sensor nodes does not much influence the
performance of the application. We then send 5000
packets from one source node to the base station
with frequency of 1 pkt/s. The strategic level (or
criticalness) of the critical regions is selected from
the interval (Bhatnagar, Deb et al. 2001) while the
strategic-level of the uncritical regions are 1. At any
moment in time, 70% of all nodes and links work
almost properly with failure rate of 0.09. The failure
rate of other 30% of the nodes is set to 0.85. The
failure rate of other 30% of the links vary according
to a five-state QSGE model which will be state later.
The selection of failing nodes/links occur randomly
after every 1000 time unit in order to simulate
temporal correlation among failures of those 30%
Five-states QSGE erasure channel (as explained
in Section 22) is used. In order to simulate a slowly
varying channel, the following specifications are
The probability of staying in one state, i.e. P
, is
extracted from (Rice and Wicker 1994) and the
remainder, i.e. 1- P
, is evenly allocated to
transitions from node i to all other nodes j (ij) so
state S
of the five-state QSGE model corresponds to
one PER
as: PER
=0.1, PER
=0.3, PER
=0.5, PER
We model sending packets in each state of
QSGE model first according to a Gilbert-Elliot
model and then as a series of Bernoulli trials. The
Gilbert-Elliott channel model is defined by p and q
which change according to the N and N-K
parameters of the codes assigned to S
(0Table 1)
These two parameters are obtained as:
=0.07, p
=0.09, p
=0.11, p
=0.14, p
=0.5, q
=0.25, q
=0.166, q
=0.125, q
In our approach, a length-15 Reed-Solomon (RS)
code (i.e. N=15) is chosen over a five states channel
for packets with three different information-values.
The error control code ECC
which is assigned to
each state S
is presented in Table 1. The error codes
contained in this table are increasing in their
correctional power from the left to the right, and
similarly with respect to computational and parity
overhead.The information-value weights are set to
1and 1231.Moreover,
the channel estimation windows size is
15while the sliding window size is
Table 1: Error control codes of each state.
State S
RS(15,13) RS(15,11) RS(15,9) RS(15,7) RS(15,5)
Performance Evaluation
Figure 6 represents the IRR and each graph in this
figure belongs to one specific packet error rate
(PER) under which a packet that may carry different
amount of information is transmitted. One can see
that IRR of RAFEC* heavily depends on the
information-value of the packet. The more
informative packet (higher ), the less likely the
packet will be lost and so the higher contribution in
the overall RR. In Figure 6 the relationship among
the reliability ratio of different information-values in
RAFEC* is:
Following this intuition, the IRR of the most
informative packets in RAFEC* are always
maximum and greater than 90%. Moreover, since
packets with 1 are less important for the
application, the RAFEC* does not use robust error
control for them and thereby the IRR for them is
relatively low. According to Figure 6, no fixed
relationship among reliability ratio of different
information-values for other approaches can be
inferred and they just exhibit a very random
The average gained code rate for the received
packets which carry different informative content is
illustrated in Figure 7. The code rate of RAFEC* is
inversely proportional to the packet error rate as
RAFEC* needs to dynamically adjust the amount of
parity packets to be able to overcome the incurred
errors. Generally, the high error rate necessitates the
use of more parity packets, which in turn results in a
lower code rate. Since other approaches are all
static, changing the error rate does not have any
effect on the code rate. The code rates shown in
Figure 7 are averaged over three information-values.
To have a better insight about the obtained code rate
per different information-value, Figure
8 is
presented. The higher packet error rate necessitates
to equip data-words with a more powerful code,
which results in more parity packets and thereby
lower code rate. Obviously, packet with 3
produces low code rate which explains its superior
performance in terms of reliability.
Figure 6: Information-aware reliability ratio for different packet error rate for RAFEC* and RSs.
Figure 7: Code rate comparison of RAFEC* and RSs.
Figure 8: Code rate comparison of RAFEC*.
Figure 9: Information-aware system efficiency comparison
of RAFEC* and RSs.
Figure 9 illustrates Information-aware System
Efficiency of different codes, form which superiority
of RAFEC* over all other codes can be seen.
The purpose of WSNs is sensing and disseminating
information. Therefore, the loss of important
information at the perceived benefit of saving
energy, may inhibit the ability of a WSN to fulfil its
primary purpose.
In this paper, we propose RAFEC* a packet-
level reliable data dissemination protocol to support
information-awareness in a chain-based WSN.
Different from most of the proposed reliable
approaches that are proposed to work for the
topologies other than chain and so cannot efficiently
work for the chain topology, RAFEC* is customized
for this poor-explored topology. Using RAFEC*,
information can be delivered at desired levels of
reliability at proportional cost, in spite of the
presence of long-term fading in the channel.
RAFEC*, basically exploits the concept of dynamic
packet state and dynamic link state to control the
correction capability of the error control codes
exploiting only local knowledge of channel and
packets at each hop. Moreover, the history-based
evaluating link quality which RAFEC* utilizes,
provides a means to cope with longer-term
interferences, since the mechanism does not
immediately switch to a less/more powerful code
after one successful/failed transmission. Basically,
RAFEC* waits until a couple of transmission have
succeeded or failed and then change the error control
In the simulation, we illustrate the superiority of
RAFEC* in terms of several metrics.
This work is supported by IST FP7 STREP
GENESI: Green sEnsor NEtworks for Structural
monItoring project.
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