Segmentation of brain MRI images into distinct and
non-overlapping regions, such as WM, GM and CSF,
is a challenging problem due to the geometric com-
plexity of the regions to be segmented. The pres-
ence of noise and intensity inhomogeneity in the im-
age significantly increases the complexity of the prob-
lem. Since, there are three important regions (WM,
GM and CSF) in the brain area, a four-phase level
set method is necessary for segmenting the image into
three or four regions. This paper presents a four-phase
region based active contour method that segments an
MRI brain image into WM, GM and CSF regions with
a good accuracy. It uses both local and global inten-
sity averages in the definition of an energy functional,
such that local intensity mean values help the pro-
posed model to segment regions with intensity inho-
mogeneity, whereas global intensity mean values are
responsible for segmenting the homogeneous areas in
the image. In addition, a pixel correction method
based on simple thresholding is applied in order to
correct wrong pixels.
As a future work we aim at developing a new en-
ergy functional that will be able to segment noisy in-
tensity inhomogeneous images efficiently. This in-
volves the definition of a more efficient and robust
active contour method based on local texture regions.
Another research goal is the development of an auto-
matic technique to extract the brain area necessary for
intersecting the obtained level sets, thus avoiding the
hand-drawn binary mask utilized in the second stage
of the proposed technique.
This work was supported by the Spanish Government
through project TIN2012-37171-C02-02 and Cata-
lan Government Predoctoral grant AGAUR FI-DGR
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