values are higher in the case of WaPT.
All exposed data confirms that, in this test, the
WaPT algorithm improves the accuracy in the tem-
plate matching process, getting consequently more
accurate feature positions. In autonomous navigation
systems the tracking process has to be done in large
environments where the data from sensors help to im-
prove the tracking process. So, matching improve-
ments are not critical.
Nevertheless, in augmented reality applications,
the accuracy is very important to visualize the vir-
tual elements correctly, that is, drift and jitter must
be reduced as much as possible. In augmented reality
applications this contribution might provide a valu-
able improvement. It is more accurately than template
matching algorithms used in traditional methods.
The work presented in this paper proposes a new in-
ternal representation of the environment for marker-
less tracking. Besides the point cloud, a normal vector
for each point is also stored.
In the 3D reconstruction process, not only the 3D
points of the environment are calculated. A minimiza-
tion process is also run in order to estimate the best
normal for each point.
In the tracking process these normals are used to
obtain an improved warped template in order to obtain
a more precise matching.
Perspective deformations are reduced when tem-
plate matching techniques and patches as features are
The results obtained in Section 4 are a first vali-
dation. In this validation, the similarity of the patches
are calculated in order to know the matching process
precision. The results have been favourable to WaPT,
proving its higher accuracy. This approach provides
more precision than traditional methods, which as-
sume that the points are facing the camera.
When more experiments confirm the results pro-
vided by this paper, new research should be done in
order to find methods that accelerate the reconstruc-
tion process for surface normals. One possible ap-
proach could be to start assuming that all surfaces
face the camera as (Davison et al., 2007) and, on-line,
perform a progressive improvement. These normals
might be also useful for surface illumination com-
pensation when comparing images taken in different
lighting conditions.
As future work more validations are planed. Se-
quences with different perspectives, where points do
not face the camera, will be used. In this kind of se-
quences, the traditional methods should be even more
In WaPT, the Reference patch is located in the
Reference keyFrame, which is the keyFrame where
the point was first seen. In order to improve more the
precision and the patch similarities, it is planed to use
as the Reference keyframe the one where the point is
visible and it is more similar to the current image.
Work partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of
Economy and Competitiveness. Project ELAS-
TRACK (TIN2012-33879).
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