(a) frame: 001 (b) frame: 350 (c) frame: 700 (d) Ground Truth
Figure 7: Comparison with Ground Truth.
In this paper, we proposed a relighting method which
combined with illumination estimation using RGB-D
camera. Before illumination estimation, we denoise
depth images by bilateral filter and temporal filter to
get smooth normal map. Based on inverse rendering,
Illumination environment is estimated from a color
image, normal map from a denoised depth image and
surface reflectance. After that, Relighting process is
done with estimated illumination data. Our method
estimates the illumination on each frame, and also ob-
tain normal map of the target object on each frame.
Therefore, our method can be applied to dynamic illu-
mination or dynamic target. In experiment, we tested
our method on two types of situation. We will im-
proveour method more robust, and also apply to spec-
ular objects.
This work was partially supported by MEXT/JSPS
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) 24220004,
and JST CREST ”Intelligent Information Process-
ing Systems Creating Co-Experience Knowledge and
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