Figure 11: Motion and reconstruction of a trajectory, (a)
some images used for the reconstruction, (b) in blue the mo-
tion of the camera and in black the 3D reconstruction from
different point of view.
makes it less constrained and so cause a decay in its
robustness to noise. According to Fig. 8 and 9 the
simplified rolling shutter model is more robust than
the complete one. In addition, it is faster to solve
(less parameters to optimise, less derivation a fortiori
numerical ones, smaller jacobians). Less variables re-
duces too the probability to have local minima.
A system which doesn’t need successive se-
quences of near images allow to work with spatially
and time spaced images (leading better triangulation
due to a more pronouncedstereo), the inclusion of im-
ages taken out of the sequence both rolling and global
shutter. It results a lighter application with less pro-
cessor charge and less data transfer via the bus. Cur-
rently the methods in reconstruction are not in using
all the images from the camera but selecting them,
as seen in (Mouragnon et al., 2009). The presented
method is suitable in the actual state of art SLAM by
its spatially and temporally spaced acquisition robust-
We presented a method to deal with rolling shutter
distortion for SFM applications relevant in the cur-
rent state of art. The method is accurate thanks to
the modelling of the motion; generic, it can deal with
both rolling shutter and global shutter images; robust
thanks to the use of only very useful parameters; us-
able with very low frame rate video. We think that
this method can be very useful in many applications
in robotics, or in augmented reality applications with
the use of devices such as phones or notepads whose
embedded cameras are rolling shutter. We envisage to
use the effect of rolling shutter on primitives to get a
priori on motion and robustify matching.
This work has been sponsored by the French gov-
ernment research program Investissements d’avenir
through the RobotEx Equipment of Excellence
(ANR-10-EQPX-44) and the IMobS3 Laboratory of
Excellence (ANR-10-LABX-16-01),by the European
Union and the region Auvergne through the program
L’Europe s’engage en Auvergne avec le fond eu-
ropeen de developpement regional (FEDER).
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