Hybrid Person Detection and Tracking in H.264/AVC Video Streams
Philipp Wojaczek
, Marcus Laumer
, Peter Amon
, Andreas Hutter
and André Kaup
Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Erlangen, Germany
Imaging and Computer Vision, Siemens Corporate Technology, Munich, Germany
Object Detection, Person Detection, Tracking, Compressed Domain, Pixel Domain, H.264/AVC, Mac-
roblocks, Compression, Color Histogram, Hue, HSV, Segmentation.
In this paper we present a new hybrid framework for detecting and tracking persons in surveillance video
streams compressed according to the H.264/AVC video coding standard. The framework consists of three
stages and operates in both the compressed and the pixel domain of the video. The combination of com-
pressed and pixel domain represents the hybrid character. Its main objective is to significantly reduce the
amount of computation required, in particular for frames and image regions with few people present. In its
first stage the proposed framework evaluates the header information for each compressed frame in the video
sequence, namely the macroblock type information. This results in a coarse binary mask segmenting the frame
into foreground and background. Only the foreground regions are processed further in the second stage that
searches for persons in the image pixel domain by applying a person detector based on the Implicit Shape
Model. The third stage segments each detected person further with a newly developed method that fuses infor-
mation from the first two stages. This helps obtaining a finer segmentation for calculating a color histogram
suitable for tracking the person using the mean shift algorithm. The proposed framework was experimentally
evaluated on a publicly available test set. The results demonstrate that the proposed framework reliably sep-
arates frames with and without persons such that the computational load is significantly reduced while the
detection performance is kept.
Over the past few years multiple approaches for video
based person detection and tracking have been stud-
ied (Yilmaz et al., 2006). Among the most relevant
applications is video surveillance of security-relevant
areas. This comprises very crowded, open-places
like train stations that should be observed to increase
the security level. On the other hand there are also
security-relevant areas with very few persons present,
e.g., in perimeter protection or wide area surveillance
applications. In this latter case there is typically a high
number of cameras installed. Employing a common
object detection and tracking algorithm that evaluates
each single frame will waste a lot of resources be-
cause most of the frames will not contain any person
or the person(s) in the scene will be present only in
a small region of the image. To address this problem
we propose a new approach to reduce the computa-
tional complexity. The basic idea is to create a hy-
brid framework consisting of three subsequent stages.
The first stage will analyze the video streams in the
compressed domain, enabling a very fast evaluation
of each frame and providing an estimate about the
image content. The following stages will only be trig-
gered upon detection of an object in the first stage and
will then further evaluate the images in the pixel do-
main. This way the video decoding and processing
is only performed when necessary. The framework’s
hybrid character results from the combination of com-
pressed domain and pixel domain and the exchange of
information between these two domains.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: Related work is discussed in Section 2. Sec-
tion 3 describes the proposed hybrid framework and
the algorithms applied. Experimental results of our
approach are reported in Section 4, and Section 5 con-
cludes the paper.
There exists a large number of approaches to fulfill
the task of person detection. For instance, among dif-
ferent possibilities for representing objects, like rect-
angular or elliptical patches or silhouettes, (Yilmaz et
al., 2006) present a survey on object detection, seg-
Wojaczek P., Laumer M., Amon P., Hutter A. and Kaup A..
Hybrid Person Detection and Tracking in H.264/AVC Video Streams.
DOI: 10.5220/0005296704780485
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 478-485
ISBN: 978-989-758-089-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
mentation and tracking.
(Eiselein et al., 2013) present a method that im-
proves person detection for crowded scenes based on
crowd density measures. They use the histogram of
oriented gradients (HoG) for detecting people. As the
HoG detector normally provides good results, it fails
in the analysis of crowded scenes. Therefore, they
create a so-called crowd density map to improve the
detection. The crowd density map can be compared to
a probability map defining image regions that more or
less likely contain people. The map creation is based
on feature extraction algorithms like Scale-Invariant
Feature Transform (SIFT) (Lowe, 2004). The ex-
tracted features are tracked over some frames us-
ing Robust Local Optical Flow (RLOF) (Senst et al.,
2012) to exclude static features found in the back-
ground. The remaining features are weighted with a
probability density function (pdf) using a 2-D Gaus-
sian kernel density. The resulting 2-D pdf is the crowd
density map, which is used to weight the features
found by HoG to improve the detection results.
(Poppe et al., 2009) face the challenge of people
detection by establishing a method which evaluates
the video sequence in the compressed domain. The
idea is based on an observation made on the num-
ber of bits in every macroblock. The macroblocks
describing the background are well predicted and be-
cause of using P frames, the resulting amount of bits
is very low. However, when a person enters the scene,
the number of bits of the macroblocks containing
parts of the person increases, because good compres-
sion is difficult to achieve since it is hard to find a
reference block. First, the number of bits needed for
each macroblock is counted when a frame contains
only background. This number of bits serves as a ref-
erence. The object detection starts by counting the
number of bits of every macroblock in the subsequent
frames. If the number of bits of a macroblock in-
creases compared to the number of reference bits of
the macroblock, it is likely that this macroblock rep-
resents an object.
(Evans et al., 2013) present a multicamera ap-
proach for object detection and tracking. The ap-
proach follows the idea of projecting a foreground
mask onto a coordinate system. The foreground
mask is derived from processing each image using
the Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model. The coordi-
nate system is a rectangular grid structure, which is
defined on the ground plane of the scene. It is called
synergy map. Based on the number of foreground pix-
els backprojected from each image onto the synergy
map, a value is computed which expresses the proba-
bility of a present person. An object is created in 3D
space based on that value. The object is defined by
Figure 1: Flowchart of the proposed framework.
a 3D bounding box. To track the object in the new
frame the dimensions of the 3D bounding box are op-
timized to fit the object in the new frame. This is done
by projecting the 3D bounding box into the images
of each camera. The dimensions of the resulting 2D
bounding boxes are optimized such that the perime-
ter of the box surrounds the foreground region. The
ideal 3D bounding box is the smallest box, which sur-
rounds all 2D boxes.
There is a drawback in all of the mentioned ap-
proaches. The methods analyzing the sequences in
the compressed domain are very fast but cannot de-
termine object positions as precisely as pixel domain
approaches. On the contrary, methods analyzing the
sequences in the pixel domain achieve very good re-
sults in people detection but they are generally more
complex and therefore often not appropriate for real-
time scenarios. Our approach combines both meth-
ods. Therefore, it has less complexity but still com-
parable results in people detection as commonly used
pixel domain methods.
Figure 1 shows a flowchart of the framework with
the stages “Compressed domain moving object detec-
tion”, “Pixel domain object detection” and “Tracking
algorithm”. On each stage a different algorithm is ap-
The first stage consists of a compressed domain
moving object detection (CDMOD) algorithm. It an-
Figure 2: Binary map (black regions) from CDMOD and
bounding box (yellow rectangle) from PDOD as overlay on
frame 138 from sequence “terrace1-c0”.
alyzes each frame of the video sequence which is en-
coded following the H.264/AVC video coding stan-
dard. This algorithm evaluates syntax elements ex-
tracted from the bitstream without the necessity of full
decoding. Based on that information a binary map for
each frame is created. The binary map consists of
ones and zeros defining foreground and background
of the analyzed image, respectively. Foreground is
defined as the image regions, where moving objects
are assumed.
If a frame can be segmented into foreground and
background, it is likely that there is an object some-
where in the segmented foreground. The binary map
is handed over to an algorithm searching for objects
in the so-called pixel domain: the pixel domain ob-
ject detection (PDOD). Therefore, the frame has to
be decoded before analysis. The second algorithm is
needed, as the CDMOD can not differentiate between
objects of different types. For example, slightly mov-
ing trees or noise would also cause a binary mask. It
just provides a binary mask with a coarse segmenta-
tion. The PDOD algorithm analyzes the image of the
sequence only in the foreground defined by the seg-
mentation made by the CDMOD. If no object can be
detected, the next frame will be analyzed by the CD-
MOD. Otherwise, if an object is found, information
describing the object’s position and scale are handed
over to the last stage, the tracking.
It is most likely that the PDOD detects the same
object again in consecutive frames. Therefore, new
detections are regarded as candidates for new, still
unknown persons and the tracking algorithm initially
tries to match new detections with already known ob-
jects. It should be guaranteed that only as many ob-
jects are tracked as actually available in the sequence.
Each detected object is tracked in following frames.
As soon as the tracking algorithm’s processing comes
to an end the next step is CDMOD analyzing the next
frame of the sequence. Details to the employed algo-
rithms are given in the following subsections.
A person that does not move in consecutive
frames, remains undetected by the PDOD since the
CDMOD detects only moving objects and does not
create a binary mask. But the person had to move to
appear in the image plane. Therefore, a binary mask
is created as soon as it enters the scene and it is very
likely that the person is detected before stopping. The
person’s position is known and it can be tracked. In
case the person stops moving, the position remains
constant until it moves and can be tracked again.
3.1 Compressed Domain Moving Object
The approach described in (Laumer et al., 2013)
is used as CDMOD algorithm. The algorithm an-
alyzes the type of macroblocks used for compres-
sion of videos in the H.264/AVC video coding stan-
dard (MPEG, 2010). The available macroblock types
are grouped to so-called macroblock type categories
(MTC). Each of the MTC gets a specific weight,
the macroblock type weight (MTW). The higher the
weight the higher is the assumed probability of the
presence of motion in that macroblock. By analyz-
ing the macroblocks of each frame a map consisting
of MTWs can be created. As the area of moving
objects spans over multiple macroblocks, the map is
further processed such that each macroblock weights
its neighboring macroblocks according to its own
weight. The resulting map is thresholded. The result-
ing binary map defines foreground and background.
An example of a binary mask can be seen in Figure 2.
A prediction can only be made for P frames. In the
case of an I frame only Intra-Frame prediction is al-
lowed. In our configuration we use the binary mask
from the previous P frame again as binary mask for
the I Frame.
3.2 Pixel Domain Object Detection
To find actual objects within segmented frames, the
Implicit Shape Model (ISM) is used (Leibe et al.,
2004). The method consists of a training and a detec-
tion phase. The training phase is done offline. Train-
ing images are searched for keypoints. A codebook is
created, based on computed descriptors describing the
keypoints. In the detection phase, the objects trained
on are searched in the image. An image is searched
for keypoints and the descriptors are matched to the
codebook. The higher the match, the more likely a
person is detected.
In our configuration the feature detection is done
with the SIFT algorithm (Lowe, 2004). Unlike the
approach described in (Leibe et al., 2004), in our con-
figuration a final segmentation based on pixels is not
used. Our configuration of the ISM describes the po-
sition of found objects with four parameters: x, y, w,
Figure 3: Flowchart to the tracking algorithm.
and h. The parameters describe the coordinates of the
upper left corner and the width and height of a rect-
angle surrounding a found object. For an example see
Figure 2, where a bounding box is visualized as a yel-
low rectangle.
The training is based on the TUD-Pedestrians
training data set (Andriluka et al., 2008). It consists
of 400 images showing several persons. Each image
is scaled such that each person has the equal height of
200 pixels.
3.3 Tracking Algorithm
Figure 3 shows the flowchart of the tracking algo-
rithm. For each found object four parameters are pro-
vided as input as described in Section 3.2. A color his-
togram for each object is computed. This histogram
is used for the matching of new objects with known
objects and for tracking. Based on that matching, ei-
ther an unknown object is found or it is merged with
a known object. Finally, new positions for all known
objects are evaluated based on the mean shift algo-
rithm (Comaniciu et al., 2003). The mean shift algo-
rithm shifts the bounding box from the known object’s
position to a new one. As the mean shift algorithm
needs a probability density function (pdf) describing
the object to track, the previously computed color his-
togram is reused. The next step is the decision if the
object is leaving the frame. Finally, the next frame is
analyzed by the CDMOD.
3.3.1 Computation of Histogram
If an object, i.e. a person, is found, a color histogram
as mentioned above needs to be computed. The
bounding box usually contains too much background
since it is too coarse for describing people’s complex
geometries. And as neither the person’s color appear-
ance is known in advance nor the person’s geometry is
rigid, the following method to segment the person au-
tomatically with less background is established: the
tracking algorithm receives information, on the one
hand the bounding box describing the person’s posi-
tion and on the other hand the binary map. These two
descriptions are combined as shown in Figure 2.
The image’s black part is background declared by
the CDMOD. The yellow rectangle is the visualized
bounding box from the PDOD. It can clearly be seen
that a rectangle does not fit a person’s shape very well,
as the person’s geometry is too complex. Some parts
of the background lie inside the bounding box, which
is marked with B. The remaining regions inside the
bounding box are defined as U. It is still unknown
which part of U belongs to foreground or background.
In the next step of the algorithm, a histogram h
for B
is computed. We selected the hue component from the
color space HSV for histogram computation, because
(Corrales et al., 2009) stated good results in segment-
ing objects with hue. After evaluating the histogram
, histograms h
for smaller image regions belonging
to U are computed. Image regions defined as B are not
taken into account. Every smaller image region U
is of size N ×N pixel. In our configuration N is set
to 4. Additionally, for every histogram h
the Bhat-
tacharyya distance d
to h
is calculated according to
(Kailath, 1967). The next step is the segmentation
of U into foreground and background. Every block
is compared to the background B by comparing
its distance d
to a threshold t
. t
is based on the
average distance d
, where K is the number
of blocks inside U. We set t
= 1.2d
. If d
< t
then U
has more in common with the background
than a fictive average block of size N ×N inside U
and U
can be labeled as background. Otherwise,
if d
> t
, then the block U
is less similar to the
background than the average block and it is labeled
as foreground. Based on the labeling with foreground
and background, a binary map similar to the one from
the CDMOD can be created. Based on the map, a
color histogram in hue describing the person’s appear-
ance is calculated. An example of a segmentation is
shown in Figure 4. The person is well segmented but
some parts of the object’s head and feet are labeled as
background. The reason is that the bounding box does
not surround the person totally, as the yellow bound-
ing box in Figure 4 shows. Only the inner parts of the
bounding box are taken into account from the above
described algorithm, therefore, these object’s parts are
Figure 4: Example of a segmentation of a person based on
hue. Cutouts from Frame 145 from sequence “terrace1-c0”.
(a) black regions: binary mask; yellow rectangle: visual-
ization of bounding box. (b) resulting segmentation of the
3.3.2 Matching of Objects
A newly found object by the PDOD is called a can-
didate. It can either be a new, unknown object or a
person whose presence is yet known. The decision
whether the candidate is a yet known person is based
on two criteria calculated by the tracking algorithm:
the amount of overlap of the bounding boxes and the
matching of both histograms. The overlap O of two
bounding boxes is calculated according to:
O =
, (1)
where A
and A
are the areas from the rectangles
defining the bounding boxes from the newly found
and the known objects respectively. The matching of
the histograms p and q from the known and the newly
found objects is done according to:
d =
1 ρ[p, q], (2)
where ρ[p, q]
is the so-called Bhat-
tacharyya coefficient (Kailath, 1967). (2) measures
the distance between two color histograms and is
bounded to [0, . . . , 1]. The smaller d, the higher is the
similarity between two color histograms. (1) and (2)
are calculated between a new object and every known
object and are compared to two individually chosen
thresholds t
and t
1 O t
< t
If the candidate and a known object fulfill (3) and
(4) they are merged, since it is assumed that several
detections represent the same person but are detected
a multiple times by the PDOD.
3.3.3 Using the Binary Mask for Tracking
As it is possible that the mean shift algorithm con-
verges to false positions due to similarities between
the background and the persons appearance, the bi-
nary mask is used to force the mean shift algorithm to
converge only in the defined foreground. The bound-
ing box is shifted from the old object’s position to a
new one. The new position is in the segmented fore-
ground. Even if the background is similar to the ob-
ject and converging to the background is likely, the
bounding box is still near the actual object’s position.
3.3.4 The Bounding Box as Binary Mask
To further enhance the tracking results and to reduce
the amount of computations, the bounding box from
each known object is used in addition to the binary
mask. That means as soon as an object is detected, its
bounding box is also used as binary mask in the fol-
lowing frames and defined as image region, in which
feature points should not be searched. Feature points
can not be detected in the bounding box’s region and
therefore the object is not detected a second time.
This is useful as it is not necessary to detect a known
object again.
The framework has been evaluated with video se-
quences from a data set of CVLAB (Berclaz et al.,
2011). All video sequences have been encoded using
the H.264/AVC Baseline profile with a GOP size of
ten frames.
4.1 Measures for Video Analysis
As evaluation measurements we used two different
criteria. For the segmentation of objects we used pre-
cision and recall, defined as:
precision =
recall =
where TP defines the true-positives, the number of
correct detections, FN (false-negatives) is the num-
ber of missed detections and FP (false-positives) the
number of false detections.
The outcome of our framework is not pixel-based
but each found object is described with a bounding
box. It is not appropriate to use again the measure-
ments recall and precision because a parameter defin-
ing the minimal amount of overlap has to be chosen
Table 1: Results for object segmentation based on hue.
Sequence Recall Precision
campus4-c0 0.33 0.76
campus7-c1 0.51 0.79
terrace1-c0 0.40 0.77
terrace2-c1 0.25 0.66
Table 2: METE for using only the PDOD algorithm and for
CDMOD and PDOD algorithm.
Sequence METE for
campus4-c0 0.71 0.76
campus7-c1 0.91 0.38
terrace1-c0 0.78 0.61
terrace2-c1 0.74 0.57
to count as true-positive. Such a hard decision of a
threshold makes is difficult to compare the tracking
results. The Multiple Extended-target Tracking Error
(METE) described in (Nawaz et al., 2014) is indepen-
dent of such parameters. Therefore, we chose METE
to evaluate the performance of the framework. First,
the accuracy error A
and the cardinality C
for each
frame k are calculated. A
represents the accuracy
error in frame k: A
i j
, where A
i j
defines the
amount of overlap between the area of a bounding box
of a tracked object i and the area of a bounding box
of a ground-truth object j. C
is the difference be-
tween estimated objects u
and ground-truth objects
. METE is calculated as:
+ C
, v
is bounded to [0, . . . , 1], where zero is the best
4.2 Evaluation Results
First, we evaluated the results of the object segmen-
tation based on the hue component, please see Sec-
tion 3.3.1. Table 1 shows the results of the segmenta-
The values for recall are quite low compared to the
precision values. This is mostly because the bounding
boxes from PDOD do not surround the objects con-
tour in total but exclude some parts of the body, like
the feet, head or even the complete upper part of the
body. The excluded parts are not taken into account
for segmentation into foreground and background,
which leads to low recall values. Some objects in the
video sequences are wearing clothes which are par-
tially similar to the background. They are also often
labeled as background, which lowers the recall values
as well.
For evaluation of the framework we compared the
Figure 5: Error METE
per frame k for sequence terrace1-
c0 using PDOD algorithm only.
Figure 6: Error METE
per frame k for sequence terrace1-
c0 using the concatenation of CDMOD and PDOD algo-
performance of the framework to the performance of
the algorithms when used separately. First we used
only the PDOD algorithm without the binary mask
from the CDMOD and the tracking algorithm. That
means every image from a sequence is searched for
objects without separating image regions into fore-
ground and background. The results for using only
the PDOD algorithm can be seen in Figure 5 exem-
plarily for sequence terrace1-c0. METE is shown per
frame. That means the detection results are compared
to the ground truth of each frame. The error is in-
fluenced from missed detections and false detections.
True detections where the overlap of bounding boxes
is not accurate enough also influence the error.
Especially at the beginning of the sequence the er-
ror METE equals 1. In this sequence there are no per-
sons which can be detected in the first 100 frames.
That means the error cannot result from missed de-
tections or detections with insufficient overlap but
from false-positive detections. This shows the influ-
ence of false-positive detections on a tracking system.
In the next frames the error is influenced from false
and missed detections and from insufficient overlap
of bounding boxes. Figure 6 shows the results when
using the combination of CDMOD and PDOD algo-
rithm exemplarily for sequence terrace1-c0.
The comparison of Figure 5 and 6 shows that
METE equals 0 at the beginning of the sequence for
Table 3: Time of analysis for 25 frames[s] for PDOD only
and PDOD with CDMOD.
campus4-c0 2.9 2.5
campus7-c1 2.9 1.5
terrace1-c0 3.6 3.1
terrace2-c1 4.1 3.7
Table 4: Time of analysis for 25 frames[s] for the frame-
Sequence Framework
w/o extensions with extensions
campus4-c0 1.1 1.0
campus7-c1 0.8 0.8
terrace1-c0 1.4 1.2
terrace2-c1 1.7 1.3
the first 100 frames. The CDMOD algorithm creates
a binary mask for each frame. As mentioned before,
there are no moving objects in the first 100 frames
of that sequence. Therefore, the binary mask defines
each frame of the first 100 frames as background and
the PDOD algorithm does not search for objects. This
shows the advantage of the CDMOD algorithm. It
separates frames without persons from frames with
persons and prevents false-positive detections which
would be tracked wrongly.
The averaged error METE is listed in Table 2.
In the second and third columns are the results
for PDOD and the combination from CDMOD and
PDOD listed. As expected, the error decreases, only
for the sequence campus4-c0 it increases. This is be-
cause of some persons are not moving in some frames,
so they are declared as background and can not be
found from the PDOD algorithm.
As described in Section 3.3.2 the matching of ob-
jects depends on two parameters, on the one hand the
amount of overlap of the bounding boxes and on the
other hand on the similarity of the color histograms.
In the evaluation we parameterized over two thresh-
olds t
and t
to achieve the best overall values which
should be used for object merging. Both thresholds
define the maximal value of the overlap o
i j
and the
similarity of histograms s
i j
of a new detected object i
and a previously found object j may reach. If o
i j
< t
and s
i j
< t
both objects are merged. Additionally the
PDOD algorithm analyzed every 5th frame only, be-
cause once an object is detected it is not necessary
to detect it again in the following frame, but the CD-
MOD and the tracking algorithm are still analyzing
each frame. Another benefit is the reduction of time.
The computation time for the analysis with PDOD
only and for PDOD and CDMOD is listed in Ta-
ble 3. As expected, the time of computation could
be reduced for using the combination of the CDMOD
Figure 7: Error METE averaged for sequence terrace1-c0
using the framework.
Figure 8: Error METE averaged for sequence terrace1-c0
using the framework and the extensions.
and PDOD algorithms compared to using only the
PDOD algorithm. The CDMOD algorithm defines
background in images, which is not searched for ob-
jects from the PDOD algorithm. This leads to the re-
duction of computation time. In sequence campus7-
c1 only one person appears in approximately 50% of
the sequence. The computation time is reduced by al-
most 50%. This shows that the CDMOD algorithm
is very well suited to reduce the complexity. Table 4
shows the computation time when the analysis is done
with the framework, that means the combination of
CMDOD, PDOD and the tracking algorithm. The
computation time is again reduced to approximately 1
second for 25 frames. This result shows that the max-
imum computation effort is made from the PDOD al-
gorithm, as the PDOD algorithm analyzes only every
5th frame in this configuration.
In Figure 7 the averaged METE is shown when
parameterizing both thresholds. METE is not shown
per frame but averaged for the sequence with fixed
parameters. In Figure 8 the averaged METE is shown
for using the extensions described in Section 3.3.3 and
Section 3.3.4.
Unfortunately, the error increases compared to the
results in Table 2. The main reason is that there is
no knowledge about previous true-positive or false-
positive detections, when using the PDOD algorithm
only or combined with the CDMOD algorithm. On
the contrary when using the framework, each false-
positive detection is tracked in the subsequent frames.
That means if an object is detected repeatedly but a
matching was not successfully, the object is tracked
with more than one bounding boxes. Even if all
bounding boxes follow the object correctly the cardi-
nality error increases, which results in a high METE.
But as one can see, a low error is reached for a low
threshold t
. But the threshold t
has to have a high
value to achieve a low METE. That means the color
histogram is more suitable for object merging, than
the overlap of bounding boxes. Another influence on
the error is the mutual occlusion of objects. The mean
shift algorithm is not able to follow a hidden object,
instead it converges to false positions.
In this paper we presented a framework for the detec-
tion and tracking of objects. The framework consists
of three stages. For each stage an individual algo-
rithm is applied. The stages are concatenated in a
way that they exchange information about the pres-
ence and the position of objects. An algorithm ana-
lyzing the compressed video stream is used as a pre-
selection step to provide a binary mask, which seg-
ments the regions of an image into foreground and
background. We selected the Implicit Shape Model
as algorithm to actually find the position of objects.
A tracking algorithm using the mean shift algorithm
was established to track the detected objects. The
novelties lie in the concatenation of algorithms ana-
lyzing the video sequence in the compressed domain
and pixel domain. Another novelty is the method of
object segmentation to receive a color histogram, as
it is needed for the mean shift algorithm. The evalu-
ation results state good results in object segmentation
and tracking when using the new method. It is also
shown that the complexity could be reduced signifi-
cantly. Another challenge is multiple person tracking
and mutual occlusion of persons. This could be han-
dled with previous knowledge like evaluation of the
individual trajectory for example.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from EIT ICT Labs’ Action Line “Future
Cloud” under activity n
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