Figure 1: Schematic section of one configuration of the 2D
breakwater model, where the armour layer is made up by
Accropode blocks.
in 1981. Such kind of blocks is often used to build
coastal structures, thanks to the interlocking proper-
ties which guarantees an high stability, when both a
large mass of the block and a steep slope of the struc-
ture are required (Van der Meer, 1987; Kobayashi and
Kaihatsu, 1984).
The action of the waves during storms may dam-
age the armour layer of rubble mound breakwaters
and this can importantly compromise the overall sta-
bility of the structure. Due to the complexity of the
problem, neither analytical nor numerical predictions
are able to provide damage estimates, and coastal en-
gineers rely on the results of laboratory experiments
carried out on properly scaled physical models to as-
sess the level of damages under known wave condi-
Traditionally, at field site, breakwaters are visu-
ally inspected using limited, qualitative and subjective
methods, like underwater video monitoring effectu-
ated by professional scuba divers, which entails both
cost and security issues. Also, traditional underwa-
ter monitoring systems require expensive devices, like
acoustic beams emitters or laser scanner (Auld, 2010;
Caimi and Kocak, 1997). An interest in reducing such
costs is growing up over time: relatively low cost de-
vices like RGB-D cameras, for instance, have more
and more resolution, whilst the related supporting
Computer Vision algorithms are increasingly precise.
Additionally, RGB-D cameras can see both under and
above the water, combining so in only one device the
capability to observe the whole structure. The devel-
opment of new Coastal Engineering systems based on
low cost solutions with a high accuracy level is then
a new challenge for Computer Vision. The proposed
breakwater monitoring method is particularly focused
on this context, since it requires affordable devices
(indeed, we used a Microsoft Kinect).
Using an automated methodology allows also to
investigate a bigger amount of data, that is more ex-
perimental results to be analysed. Our method re-
quires only a minimal user interaction via a friendly
graphic interface for the alignment phase of the point
clouds. Furthermore, this is a stage which has to be
done only after the experiment: the only operation
which engineers must care about is the proper loca-
tion of the RGB-D camera for the acquisition of the
3D models from an appropriate point of view.
The experimental campaign has been carried out at
the Hydraulic Laboratory of the University of Cata-
nia within an experimental wave tank, which is
equipped with an electronically controlled flap-type
wavemaker, able to produce both regular and irregu-
lar water waves. The wave tank is 18m long, 3.6m
wide and 1.0m high. In order to test the proposed
approach, the stability of a rubble mound breakwater
with the armour layer made up by artificial Accrop-
ode blocks has been investigated. Such a structure is
inspired by a real structure to be built in the Eolian
Islands to protect an existing marina, by using a scale
1:80 between the model and the prototype. In par-
ticular, during the present experiments only a section
1m wide of the tank has been used, in order to better
control both the construction and the stability of the
two-dimensional structure. Figure 1 shows a section
of the model of the breakwater, where it can be no-
ticed the armour layer made up by Accropodes, while
the underlying layers, starting from the filter and go-
ing down to the core of the structure, are made up by
natural stones. The Accropode blocks were built on
purpose by using a mixture of a resin, basaltic sand
and iron powder in order to obtain the desired den-
sity. The side of the Accropode was 4.64 centimetres.
It should be noted that Accropodes are painted. This
has been done in order to reduce scale effects related
to the different roughness we have at prototype scale
and at model scale. The different colours used helped
also to identify the movement of each single Accrop-
The RGB-D camera is positioned on a specific
stand supported by a scaffolding in front of the struc-
ture at a distance of approximately 1.2m from the toe
of the structure, in order to be able to recover the en-
tire structure, both above and below water level.
Several irregular wave conditions, corresponding
to different stages of the design storm, have been run
in order to test the stability of the armour layer. Af-
ter each wave conditions, a depth map of the armour
layer was obtained by stopping the wavemaker, but