A Recommendation System for Paintings using Bag of Keypoints and
Dominant Color Descriptors
Ricardo Ribani and Mauricio Marengoni
PPGEEC, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, S˜ao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Image Retrieval, Recommendation, Bag of Keypoints, SURF, Dominant Color Descriptor, Art Paintings.
Determining the visual description for a painting is an interesting task that can be used in different applications,
like retrieval, classification and recommendation. A painting can differ from others depending on the time
period it was painted, the genre and the art movement the author lived. This paper present an approach for
content based image retrieval applied to art paintings using the concept of bag of keypoints and SURF detector.
A descriptor for dominant color is also used and weighted for a best visual retrieval.
With the increasing amount of data and multimedia
collections, more and more people find themselves
in situations of doubt to make a selection of content,
the user accesses a set of information but not all the
content is relevant. Recommender systems has re-
ceived increasing attention for helping the user to find
a small amount of information according to your in-
terest (Tkalcic et al., 2010). The first digital recom-
mender systems emerged in the mid 1990s, along with
the popularization of the Internet (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005).
Museums have their assets of paintings available
for visitation. Using a recommender system, the vis-
itation of these collections could become more inter-
active and enjoyable for a regular visitor by showing
him paintings of his interest.
This paper presents a technique to retrieve paint-
ings using the concept of bag of keypoints with the
SURF algorithm for detection and description of in-
terest points. The collection was divided into three
art movements: Classicism, Modern Art and Cubism.
Each one with pictures of landscapes and portraits.
As the SURF algorithm only evaluates images in
grayscale, a dominant color descriptor was used to de-
scribe colors. From these two descriptors, it was pos-
sible to apply weights to each index, returning images
according to the user’s interest. The feature points
descriptor is based on the characteristics of style and
genre, the dominant color descriptor is based on vi-
sual similarity by predominant colors.
The paper is organized as follows: in the sec-
tion 2 related work is presented; in section 3, the art
movements and an introduction to art history is pre-
sented; in section 4 the methodology, algorithms and
tools used are described; in section 5, the results are
presented; finally in section 6, conclusion and future
work are discussed.
Several researches in art paintings has focused its ef-
forts in the area of classification and retrieval. Re-
sults obtained using the artistic concept of colors for
art paintings retrieval shows 79.8 % of accuracy us-
ing groups according to the characteristics of colors,
without citing movements or genres (Yelizaveta et al.,
2005). Another work present a system for classify-
ing art movements where the painting is classified in
ve movements. A Gabor filter is used for feature ex-
traction in grayscale, a color histogram in HSV space
for color descriptor and AdaBoost for machine learn-
ing, reaching an accuracy of 68.3 % (Zujovic et al.,
2009). A notable result had an accuracy of up to 90 %
for classification of art paintings. Six different color
descriptors were used together with a Support Vector
Machine, classifying art paintings within 3 different
art movements (Gunsel et al., 2005).
Art paintings created in certain art movements such
Ribani R. and Marengoni M..
A Recommendation System for Paintings using Bag of Keypoints and Dominant Color Descriptors.
DOI: 10.5220/0005297603210327
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 321-327
ISBN: 978-989-758-090-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
as Baroque, Realism or Romanticism have similar vi-
sual properties. The Baroque movement was devel-
oped primarily in Europe between the late 16th cen-
tury and the mid of the 18th century, the paintings of
this movement has a sweeping diagonal element that
crosses many planes with sharp contrast between light
and dark. The Romantic paintings appeared then in
the 19th century and they are very close to Baroque
paintings, with realistic elements keeping the diago-
nal element and the contrast between light and dark
to accentuate the dramatic feelings. Still in the 19th
century, the Realism movement was created, where
artists have learned to use the best scientific knowl-
edge applied in painting and began to leave the emo-
tive vision, seeking to better represent reality. How-
ever, the characteristics of the Realism still keeps this
movement closed to the Baroque and Romanticism,
with soft brush strokes and very realistic appearance
(Proenc¸a, 2003).
With advances of photography in the mid of 20th
century, Modern art was initiated by Impressionist
movement which revolutionized painting. In this
movement, artists were not seeking to retract perfectly
the reality, but spend a certain feeling in his paint-
ings using lighting effects and visible brush strokes.
Another feature of this movement is the use of color,
compared to previous movements it uses more col-
ors and shades, even due to evolution from paints and
color mixing techniques. One of the most impor-
tant artists of this movement was the french Claude
Monet. The movements developed after Impres-
sionism and until the Modern art are called Post-
Impressionism and still have the same characteristics.
We can cite the Expressionism movement, which be-
gan to worry in retract the problems of society but
keeping the same artistic elements of Impressionism.
Inside of Expressionism we can cite the dutch artist
Vincent Van Gogh (Proenc¸a, 2003).
Finally we have the Cubism movement, also orig-
inated in the 20th century. Cubism seeks to show
the objects with all the faces in the same plane and
treats the forms of nature through geometric shapes.
Among the major artists of this movement, we have
Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque (Proenc¸a, 2003).
To implement the proposed solution, a collection of
art paintings was built from www.wikiart.org, a web-
site that contains art paintings made by a public li-
cense. The images are organized by artist, genre
and movement. Images obtained from the website
were analyzed within 6 movements: Baroque, Ro-
manticism, Realism, Impressionism, Expressionism
and Cubism. Images in each movements, were di-
vided in landscapes and portraits, forming a collection
with a total of 240 images.
To perform a content-based retrieval of the art
paintings, the images need to be represented in the
form of descriptors, which were extracted by points
of interest using the concept of bag of keypoints and
a dominant colors descriptor, making possible to pass
a query image and index the results according to their
4.1 Features Extraction
The algorithm used to detect feature points in the im-
ages was SURF (Bay et al., 2008), an algorithm based
on the same concepts as SIFT (Lowe, 2004). These
algorithms are invariant to scale, rotation and partial
lighting. Detected feature points will be described
and used for generating a visual dictionary using the
concept of Bag of Keypoints (Csurka et al., 2004).
SURF uses integral images, which results in a
faster processing time when using convolution with
box filters. The SURF detector works with a hes-
sian matrix detecting blob-like structures at locations
where the determinant is maximum (Bay et al., 2008).
To describe each detected point, SURF creates a
vector that describes the intensity distribution in a re-
gion neighbor to the considered point, a similar ap-
proach on how the gradient information is extracted
by the SIFT algorithm. The dominant orientation of
the image is extracted from this region, which makes
the algorithm invariant to rotation. Each point will be
described as a vector of 64 positions, describing how
the intensity changes at that point (Bay et al., 2008).
4.2 Bag of Keypoints
Based on the bag of words, the bag of keypoints was
presented as a way to quantize local features and clas-
sify objects or pictures within a given class (Csurka
et al., 2004). The authors addressed the problem
of image retrieval in large databases and explained
that high level access to information to manage this
amount is required, reducing the semantic gap. Based
on this principle, the bag of keypoints presents a way
to describe and classify each of the images using the
local feature points. Detected points need to be clus-
tered to generate a dictionary of visual words. This
dictionary will correspond to a histogram with the
number of occurrences of a certain pattern in the im-
age (Perronnin, 2008). With an appropriate catego-
rization of the content, it’s possible to measure the
similarity between images and generate recommen-
The steps required to build a visual descriptor are:
Detection and description of the keypoints con-
tained in all images of the dataset using the SURF
Generation of a visual dictionary for each class
using the k-means clustering algorithm;
Count how many times each word appears in the
image, resulting in a descriptor vector.
In the original paper describing the bag of key-
points technique (Csurka et al., 2004), the points de-
tected in the first stage are placed in a single group
(or bag), then the visual words are generated by the
k-means algorithm. But, there is another way to gen-
erate the dictionary, the keypoints could be divided
into groups and generate one dictionary for each class
(Perronnin, 2008).
According to the research done about art history,
the art paintings were divided into 3 groups by move-
Classicism: Barroque, Romantism and Realism;
Modern Art: Impressionism and Expressionism;
Despite the fact that Cubism is part of the Mod-
ern art movement, it was placed in another group due
the visual characteristics, that are very different from
Impressionism or Expressionism.
To generate the visual dictionary, the k-means al-
gorithm was used to receive all detected points and
converge then to k centers for each class. Each value
indicates a word in the dictionary and is used to gener-
ate a histogram that describes visually the image. The
value of k must be large enough to distinguish features
that classify the image, but not so large to distinguish
minor variations such as noise (Csurka et al., 2004).
Having the dictionary defined, the next step con-
sists in identifying how many times each visual word
appear in each image (Csurka et al., 2004). The fea-
ture points are detected again and each point is as-
signed to a word in the dictionary using the KNN (K-
Nearest Neighbors) technique, each point will repre-
sent a word in the dictionary with k nearest neighbors
(Marengoni and Stringhini, 2011). A histogram will
be created with the same number of positions as the
dictionary. For each point the value of the correspond-
ing word is increased, then the values are normalized.
This will be the image’s describing vector according
to the feature points.
4.3 Dominant Color Descriptor
Up to this point we have a descriptor based on
the characteristic points generated by the SURF al-
gorithm combined with the bag of keypoints tech-
nique. Because the SURF algorithm works only with
grayscale images the color characteristic from the
paintings were not considered. In order to enhance the
image description the color information is required.
The color information is a very important feature
in art paintings. The color add beauty to images and
provides rich information for content-based image re-
trieval. A way of index images by color is using the
dominant color, which can be represented by frag-
ments of homogeneous color that can be perceived by
the human eye (Krishnan et al., 2007). In this work,
not only the main dominant color was used, but the
eight dominant colors with their percentages.
The generation of the dominant color descriptor
consists of three steps:
Make a color palette based on all images in the
Quantize colors in each image according to the
Keep eight dominant colors;
To generate the palette, all images from the collec-
tion were processed and the RGB value of each pixel
was extracted. These values were included in a sin-
gle matrix and clustered using the k-means algorithm
with a value of k = 24. A palette of 24 colors was
obtained based on the collection.
With the color palette built, the next step is to
quantize the colors of each image. Each pixel in im-
age was assigned to one value of the palette using the
KNN technique. An image with a reduced amount of
color was obtained, as shown in Figure 2. This image
contains a histogram of 24 positions, which shows the
percentage of each color.
The 8 biggest values in the histogram were identi-
fied and the remaining positions were set to zero ob-
taining a descriptor with 24 positions representing the
8 dominant colors with respectively percentuals.
Figure 1: Original image with all colors.
Figure 2: Quantized image with 24 colors.
Figure 3: Image with 8 dominant colors.
4.4 Indexing and Retrieval
The task of retrieving images and generating recom-
mendations needs a query image. A method to index
images using feature points is to identify and describe
all points of all images and store in the database. Then
the extraction and description of points in the query
image is made. A process of correlation is made be-
tween the descriptors of the query and all the descrip-
tors stored in the database, where for each point in the
query image there is a point found in the database and
the respective image gets a vote. The images are in-
dexed according to the number of votes. Despite the
robustness of this model, the correlation uses a brute
force algorithm and the processing cost grows propor-
tional to the number of points (Valle and Cord, 2009).
When implementing the bag of keypoints, each
image has a single vector of fixed size that describes
the distribution of feature points in the image. The
color descriptor used in this work, also has a fixed
Two different indexes were made, one for the fea-
ture points descriptor and other for the color descrip-
tor. For each index a matching was made between the
query descriptor and all images in the collection using
a brute force algorithm. The L1-Norm or Manhattan
distance was used for this, obtaining the distance be-
tween each image and query. Then the images were
sorted by the distance in ascending order. The query
image is always in the collection, so it is expected that
the first retrieved image will be the query itself, since
the descriptors are equal. The second image retrieved
will be the art painting to be recommended to the user,
as represented in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Representation of choice for recommendation
from retrieved images.
For considering the feature points and the dom-
inant colors on a common index, the index of each
feature were integrated by combining the distance val-
ues (Jain and Vailaya, 1996). Let’s consider Q as
the query image and I an image in the collection, D
will be the distance between Q and I based on feature
points and D
will be the distance based on dominant
colors. The total distance D
will be:
+ w
+ w
where w
and w
are the weights for feature points
and dominant colors, respectively.
According to the visual characteristics, the dataset
was divided into three groups. Each group has 40
landscapes and 40 portraits as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Number of imagens included in each class.
Class Art Movement Genre Images
Portrait 40
Landscape 40
Portrait 40
Landscape 40
5 Cubism Portrait 40
6 Cubism Landscape 40
The first tests were performed to verify the appro-
priate number of visual words, changing empirically
from 250 to 2000 words. For this test the weight of
the dominant color descriptor was set to w
= 0. The
measurement was made passing all the images in the
query, one by one and evaluating the precision for 1
recommendation. As each image has the style and
genre information, the accuracy was measured by:
style, genre, only one (OR) and both (AND). The re-
sults are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Precision by number of visual words, style and
Words Style Genre AND OR
250 0,8410 0,6778 0,5941 0,9247
500 0,8828 0,7406 0,6778 0,9456
1000 0,9080 0,8117 0,7448 0,9749
1500 0,9205 0,8117 0,7699 0,9623
2000 0,9247 0,8243 0,7699 0,9791
The best value was obtained using 2000 visual
words to at least one feature, but the values are stabi-
lized from 1000 words to any characteristic, as noted
in the graphic of the Figure 5. After 1000 words the
improvement is not too significant and the computa-
tional cost increases with the number of words.
Figure 5: Graphic of precision by number and visual words
by style and genre.
When the first recommendation have already been
seen by the user, the algorithm will recommend the
second image and so on. Thinking about it, the ac-
curacy to recommend a larger amount of images was
also measured. 1000 visual words were used for this
test and four images were retrieved. The average pro-
cessing time for the retrieval was 0.038 ms, the results
are shown in Figure 6 and the values in Table 3.
Table 3: Precision for 4 recommendations by style and
Style Genre AND OR
0,8588 0,7699 0,6841 0,9446
In the Figure 7 it’s possible to see that results are
similar according to style or genre but not by color. To
evaluate the precision according to the color descrip-
tor, the weight for feature points was set to w
= 0
and the weight for color descriptor was set to w
= 1.
Results are presented in Figure 8.
Finally, the weights were changed to integrate the
descriptors, this was done empirically. The results
were evaluated visually observing the results in re-
lation to the color and taking care to keep good pre-
cision values. Thinking about recommendation, these
weights can be defined by the user according to his
preference, for color or style. The defined values were
= 0.2 and w
= 0.8. The results for this configura-
tion are shown in Figure 9. Due to the inference of the
color descriptor, the accuracy was reduced keeping a
precision of 0.6569 for style or genre.
The method proposed here presented good results for
both recommendation and retrieval of art paintings.
Using only the feature points was possible to obtain
excellent values of precision. When combining this
with the dominant color, we could enhance the visual
similarity of the retrieved images. The appropriate
division of the paintings was an important step, where
the study of the art movements was fundamental. In
tests, it was possible to conclude that the size of the
vocabulary words is an important choice and should
be appropriate according to the type of the images.
It’s recommended to perform more accurate per-
formance tests, in order to verify the best dictionary
size. Another possible direction for this research is
to examine the amount of feature points detected by
the SURF in each art painting according to style or
genre and make an analysis on these values. To ver-
ify if, when reducing that amount of points, it is also
possible to reduce the vocabulary size and what the
precision rates will be. Finally it’s recommended to
find a way to describe the spatial distribution of the
The authors thank Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa
(Mack-pesquisa) from the Universidade Pres-
biteriana Mackenzie, CAPES (Coordenac¸˜ao de
Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N´ıvel Superior)
and FAPESP (Fundac¸˜ao de Amparo `a Pesquisa do
Estado de S˜ao Paulo) for the financial support for this
Figure 6: Examples of retrieval results of 4 recommendations (w
= 1 and w
= 0).
Figure 7: Retrieval results for bag of keypoints descriptor (w
= 1 and w
= 0).
Figure 8: Retrieval results for color descriptor (w
= 0 and w
= 1).
Figure 9: Retrieval results for w
= 0.8 and w
= 0.2.
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