(a) Fully autonomous sys-
tem using robot.
(b) Semi-autonomous advi-
sory system.
Figure 1: Intelligent machine perception would be needed
for both a fully autonomous system (a), and a semi-
autonomous advisory system (b). The latter might include
observation drones, and Google glasses (Bilton, 2012) to
guide a human user in the repair.
(a) Truck (b) SUV (c) Sedan
Figure 2: Vehicle type, and ultimately, make and model,
are useful things for the perception system to know (or to
(a) Tire is flat. (b) Tire is under-
(c) Tire is OK.
Figure 3: The perception system must be able to determine
whether a tire is really flat, and which one it is.
(a) Wheel chock. (b) Remove wheel.
Figure 4: Repair steps include stabilizing the car (a), getting
the spare tire and tools, jacking up the car, removing lug
nuts and wheel (b), and installing the new wheel.
algorithms, resulting in more robust, accurate perfor-
mance than is achievable through use of individual al-
gorithms operating in a bottom-up way.
Given one or more agents operating in an environ-
ment, and given that the agents do not directly know
the state of the environment, or even, possibly, parts
of their own state, and given a goal state for the en-
vironment and agents, the problem to be solved is to
compute control actions for the agents such that the
goal is achieved. In this case, an agent is a resource
capable of changing the environment (and its own)
state, by taking action. An agent could be a mobile
ground robot, a sensing device, or one of many par-
allel vision processing algorithms running on a clus-
ter, for example. Given that there is uncertainty in
the state, an agent must estimate it based on (possibly
noisy) observations. Based on the agent’s best esti-
mate of the current state, it should take actions that
affect the state in a beneficial way.
The actions, themselves have some uncertainty;
they do not always achieve the intended effect on the
state. The agents must take both state estimate un-
certainty, and action uncertainty into account when
determining the best course of action. Actions can
also have cost. The agents must balance the cost of
actions against the reward of reduced uncertainty and
progress towards the goal when deciding on actions.
This problem presents significant challenges.
First, the overall state space can be very large. Sec-
ond, the state space is generally hybrid; it includes
discrete variables, such as hypotheses for vehicle
type, as well as continuous variables, such as posi-
tion of a wheel. Third, significant parts of the state
space may not be directly measurable, and must be
estimated based on observations. Fourth, the effect of
some actions on state may have uncertainty. Fifth, the
agents must take many considerations into account
when deciding on actions: they must take into account
the uncertainty of the state estimate, the uncertainty
of the action effect on the state, the cost of the ac-
tion, and the benefit of the action in terms of reducing
uncertainty and making progress towards the goal.
Note that some actions are performed to im-
prove situational awareness, and some actions are per-
formed to change the state of the agent and/or en-
vironment, to achieve an overall goal (for example,
jacking up a car so the tire can be changed). The au-
tonomous system should judiciously mix both types
of actions so that the situational awareness is suffi-
cient to achieve the goal. In particular, a good se-
quence of control actions is one that minimizes cost,
where cost attributes include both state uncertainty, as
well as cost of the action itself. Note, also, that it is
typically not necessary for the system to exhaustively
resolve all state uncertainty; it just needs to be certain
enough to achieve the overall goal.
The problem is stated formally as follows. Let
S =
, S
be the state space, where S
is for the
environment, and S
is for the agent; let A be the set
of agent actions, and O, the set of observations. A