surements with an appropriate detection scheme.
In this study, a multi-target detection and tracking
method designed for real-time systems is introduced.
The experiments showed that the proposed algorithm
achieves a sufficient true positive rate with a rela-
tively low false discovery rate on the utilized test sets.
Moreover, it is also seen that, usage of a successful
detection scheme reduces the complexity of tracker;
and even with the simplest association scheme, a suf-
ficient tracking performance can be obtained.
Usage of the designed algorithm introduces many
advantages including time efficiency, scale-invariance
and adaptability to changing number of targets in the
scene. Moreover, the algorithm requires no super-
vision which makes it a suitable option for electro-
optical surveillance and reconnaissance systems. On
the other hand, the algorithm is shown to have some
disadvantages. Although the proposed method can
achieve tracking with high frame rates, it has no
mechanism for occlusion handling which decreases
the performance. Another significant disadvantage of
this algorithm is caused by the target hypothesis gen-
eration method: Canny edge detection method may
fail on low contrast scenes despite its dynamic thresh-
olding scheme since edge detection may fail in low
As a future work, we plan to employ tracklet
concept to increase the performance of the proposed
method on the scenes where frequent occlusions are
present. Also we plan to work on the target hypothe-
ses generation scheme to make the proposed method
invariant to the properties of the input imaging system
yielding increased robustness and reliability.
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