We have improved the system to detect and recog-
nize engineered nanoparticles we proposed in (Kock-
entiedt et al., 2012). We have added an appropriate
filter to the image segmentation and reviewed its pa-
rameters. Moreover, we have added two types of clas-
sification features: Haralick features and estimated
electron counts. We have shown that they add consid-
erable value to the system by testing how often these
features have been selected for the training of the clas-
sifier. In addition, we have introduced an algorithm
to automatically select the best classification parame-
ters and features. This way, even inexperienced users
can train the system to recognize new particle types
without setting any parameters. The improved system
achieves much better results than the original one for
two engineered nanoparticle types and comparable re-
sults for a third type.
In the future, we want to further improve the us-
ability of the system and reduce the amount of manual
work. Firstly, we want to reduce the number of sam-
ples that have to be manually classified by automat-
ically selecting the best candidates to be classified.
This approach is called active learning.
Secondly, we want to allow the system to pre-
dict the classification performance to be expected if
more training samples are added. This way, the user
can make an informed decision if it is worth spend-
ing time to make more SEM images to generate more
training samples. If the classification performance is
unlikely to be significantly improved, the user can
save time and money which would otherwise have
been spent. Early results of this are reported in (Kock-
entiedt et al., 2014).
We kindly thank U. Gernert from ZELMI for the
cooperation in SEM analysis. This work was sup-
ported by funding from the Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft (DFG INST 131/631-1).
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