0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
hit rate
Figure 11: Performance of the FIS on sparse data. Values
of the x axis mean that only every n-th pixel is read with
respect to rows and columns.
ing large sampling factor is considered unreliable in
general. Furthermore, chosen block size gives an up-
per limit to sampling, since calculation of the FIS in-
put attributes are based on statistics and therefore re-
quire tens of pixels for each block. In order to stabi-
lize the FIS output by region compactness, we could
take adjacent blocks into consideration. To avoid
large increase of computation time, evaluation of this
condition is recommended to be performed outside
the FIS, in the feature matrix. Small “holes” of the
matrix, values surrounded by blocks of high values,
are likely to be false negatives. Similarly, “lonely”
blocks of high value can be safely zeroed out, since
they probably do not participate in any QR code can-
didate. Morphological filtering, or as a simpler opera-
tion, median filtering are suitable for this task (Fig. 7).
In most cases, the latter seems sufficient according to
experimental results, however, using morphology at
this step is also acceptable, since the size of the fea-
ture matrix is only a small fraction of that of the orig-
inal input image.
In this paper, we have shown that Fuzzy Inference
Systems can be used to rapidly localize QR codes in
the image domain. We have examined efficiency of
Fuzzy Inference Systems that has membership func-
tions created by preliminary assumptions based on
statistics of a few sample images of the expected sce-
nario. For industrial setups, making this assumption
is easy, since variability of the content is smaller. For
smartphone applications, parameters can be tuned us-
ing camera properties. Performance has been evalu-
ated on public test image sets.
Block size and amount of overlap has also been
evaluated, thus giving information about the robust-
ness of the approach. FIS can be replaced by lookup
tables that leads to constant-time evaluation. Calcu-
lation of the input features can be further accelerated
using approximations with only a subset of intensity
values. These properties can make FIS-based local-
ization a preferred choice over other algorithms.
The proposed algorithm can also be used to effi-
ciently localize other popular two-dimensional code
types as well, like Aztec codes or Data matrix codes,
without major modification.
This publication is supported by the European Union
and co-funded by the European Social Fund. Project
title: Telemedicine-oriented research activities in
the fields of mathematics, informatics and medi-
cal sciences. Project number: T
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