method is that it can detect fragmented ellipses. The
reason of this is that, it does not require the edge
pixels to be connected consecutively on the ellipse.
This method maps two dimensional image space into
the higher dimensional parameter space. For
example, an ellipse can be defined by five
parameters, such as its center (c
, c
), the major axis
a, the minor axis b, and the orientation θ. Therefore,
) space is required for an ellipse to accumulate
the parameter space, where N is the size of each
dimension of the parameter space. As a result, this is
a combinatory complexity. Moreover, in the basic
HT based method, the accumulator’s bin sizes are
determined by “windowing and sampling the
parameter space in a heuristic way” (Xu et al. 1990).
However, a large window size is necessary to detect
curves from the image with different sizes and a
high dimensional parameter space to increase
accuracy. Again, these obviously lead to large
storage and more processing time. Additionally, in
case of poorly defined accumulator, (Xu et al. 1990)
identified four difficulties may occur, such as (a)
problems in finding an optimal local maxima, (b)
low precision, (c) large storage, and (d) low speed.
For example, coarse quantization may have poor
influence on accurate ellipse detection while fine
quantization may lead to missing the true ellipses.
Besides this, the accuracy of HT decreases at the
increased number of ellipses in an image
(McLaughlin 2000).
Optimization based approaches include Genetic
Algorithms (GA), Least Squares Fitting (LSF)
method, or Robust Regression (RR) based approach
for ellipse detection. GA based methods represent
each potential solution as a chromosome and the
population of chromosomes are generated
iteratively. This process terminates when some
predefined conditions are satisfied. However,
finding the best possible evaluation criteria and
thresholds for fitness function are often very hard
(Qiao & Ong 2007). Both LSF and RR methods
extract ellipse by optimizing an objective function to
fit edge pixels to a standard ellipse. However, in
presence of outliers, these methods may produce
false or missing detection (Qiao & Ong 2007).
Edge following based approaches extract some
arc fragments and group them together based on
geometric properties of ellipse. Recently, a method
for ellipse detection based on edge following is
proposed by (Chia & Rahardja 2011). In their
method, line segments are formed from the edge
map and elliptical-arcs are constructed from these
line segments. These arcs are then grouped to form
ellipses and false ellipses are neglected by the
developed feedback loop method. This method
performs very well both in synthetic as well as in
real-world images. However, it is computationally
very expensive (Wong & Lin 2012).
Another edge following method for ellipse
detection is proposed by (Prasad et al. 2012). This
method uses edge curvature and convexity instead of
continuity as a constraint for the ellipse detection.
Hough Transform is then applied to assign a
relationship score to the edge contours for grouping.
Three robust non-heuristic saliency criteria are used
for generating the good elliptic hypotheses. This
method does not require any threshold or control
parameter. Although this method achieves a high
accuracy, it is also very time consuming in the
presence of outliers and it often provides false or
missing detection (Akinlar & Topal 2013).
Akinlar and Topal proposed a real-time and
parameter free method (Akinlar & Topal 2013) to
detect both circles and near-circular ellipses. This
algorithm first extracts edge segments from a given
image by implementing Edge Drawing Parameter
Free (EDPF) edge detector. The detected edge
segments are converted into line segments. Circular
arcs are then detected from these line segments
based on line direction and angle between two lines.
Candidate circles and near-circular ellipses are
detected based on the constraint of center distance
and radius difference with the root mean square
error. Finally, the candidates are validated using
Helmholtz principle (Akinlar & Topal 2013).
However, its success depends on the accurate edges
detected by EDPF and the presence of noise in the
image (Akinlar & Topal 2013).
In this paper, we propose a novel method based
on the edge following method. We extract edge or
part of edge that can be a part of a conic section. To
construct the conic part by Pascal’s theorem, two
tangents, and a point on the curve are required. We
construct tangent using the theorem proposed by
Pascal (Coxeter & Greitzer 1967). Instead of
applying LSF method or HT-based method for
detecting circle or ellipse or parabola, we apply
Pascal’s theorem for detecting different types of
conic sections. Method based on LSF is designed for
detecting only one specific type of conic section at a
time. For example, LSF method proposed for
detecting for circle cannot detect parabola and vice-
versa. In contrast, our method based on Pascal’s
theorem can detect any sorts of conics. Again, for
grouping edge fragments to construct conics, we
apply conic part construction method by Pascal