Naive Bayes to classify samples. This could be re-
lated to the number of training samples that every new
sample needs to be compared to, but also to the di-
mensionality of the feature vector. A technique to re-
duce the number of comparisons should be tested.
Random forest clearly performs best in this
dataset, but we must find a way to address the false-
positives on water bodies, which is visibly larger than
in other methods. This is definitely a theme for future
works, as the overall performance of Random forest
was promising.
Future works should also include a improvement
on samples representation, making the feature extrac-
tion faster and reduce the feature vector dimension-
ality. Algorithms like KNN and SVM should bene-
fit from those improvements, specially the later, mak-
ing possible to reduce the support vector complexity
and make model generalisation easier. Another area
of possible improvement is in the image preprocess-
ing, prior to the feature extraction, specially reducing
noise. It is also important to test the same dataset with
unsupervised machine learning techniques and com-
pare to those in this work.
In general, the results were satisfactory in provid-
ing good directives on how to implement a efficient
and robust segmentation tool for the rainforest op-
eration scenarios. Amazon forest has been suffering
from years with systematic degradation and this work
is a small part of an effort to provide information and
supporting actions to mitigate the deforestation activ-
ities in the region.
This work was partially sponsored by Fundao de Am-
paro Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (FAPEAM)
under the ARTES project (No. 114/2014). The Nokia
Institute of Technology (INDT) also funded partially
this work.
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