EMD for partial matching. Although the true occlu-
sion experiment would require replacing some part
of the shape with an occluder, this experiment still
presents promising results for handling the occlusion.
In this paper, we have proposed a novel method to
classify a given shape using its skeletal representa-
tion. The algorithm starts by representing a shape as a
medial axis graph, whose vertices represent the skele-
tons and whose edges represent vertices adjacency.
After obtaining the branches in the graph, we com-
pute the shortest path distance from each vertex to
each branch, representing the corresponding skeleton
in a geometric space. The distance between skele-
tons in the geometric space is computed based on the
Earth Movers’ Distance (EMD) algorithm. A set of
shape retrieval experiments including the comparison
with two previous approaches demonstrate the pro-
posed algorithm’s effectiveness and perturbaton ex-
periments present its robustness.
Although we applied our method to skeletal shape
representations in this paper, we will test the frame-
work to color object representations in the future. Our
future work will also include employing a classifier
into the framework and performing a more compre-
hensive comparison of our approach to more leading
shape retrieval algorithms using larger datasets, in-
cluding a test regarding the time efficiency of each
system. In addition, designing an indexing system
based on the similar idea is an interesting research di-
rection on which we will work in the future.
This work has been supported in part by T
(Grant# 113E500).
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