give a point estimate (62%) even for the chart types
that do not have a line. These participants derive a
point estimate by choosing a value in the middle of the
interval. Apparently most users expect that this ques-
tion has one and only one answer, namely the point
estimate. In 25% of the answers an interval is given,
which is the second most popular answer type. While
this answer is natural for chart types without line, it
is remarkable for the other charts, such as line. Those
respondents are more confident in giving an interval
estimation and chose to exclude the point estimate.
10% of the answers try to give a complete answer:
both point and interval estimates.
A final question in the line chart part of the survey
was a preference question. Which of the line chart
types did the respondents prefer? The answers to this
question shown in table 4. When a line is shown, most
users prefer ribbon + line, when no line is shown, they
prefer error bar.
Table 4: Preferences for each of line chart types depending
on whether or not the line is shown. In brackets the esti-
mated standard deviation.
Chart type With line Without line
Line chart 24 22.2(4.0)% - -
Ribbon chart 56 51.9(4.8)% 45 41.7(4.7)%
Error bar 28 25.9(4.2)% 63 58.3(4.7)%
4.2 Bar Chart
In the first three questions for each bar chart, the re-
spondents were asked to compare two bars to each
other with answer options: A is larger than B, A is
probably larger than B, they are approximately equal,
B is probably larger than A, B is larger than A. After-
wards the answers have been ordered in such a way
that the point estimate of B is always larger than that
of A. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the answers
of the respondents.
Since ˆy
is always larger than ˆy
, the answer cat-
egories ‘A is (probably) larger than B’ are wrong.
The answer ‘approximately equal’ was also consid-
ered wrong when the confidence intervals of the two
bars do no overlap. The figure shows that number
of wrong answers are larger when no point estimates
are shown, especially for the error bars. Tests con-
firmed both effects as significant. The figure further-
more shows that the answer category ‘approximately
equal’ is more frequently chosen when the point es-
timate is not shown. It is less frequently chosen for
the cigarette chart. Users seem to be more confident
when ˆy is shown especially for the cigarette chart.
In the final question respondents were asked to
Err.b. w/o point Chisel w/o point
Cig. w/o point
Prob A
Approx equal
Prob B
Figure 3: Distribution of answers when comparing bars for
each of the bar chart types.
read information from the table with the following
question: ‘According to you, what is the turnover
in [X]?’ The respondent had a input box where they
could type in their answers. These answers were then
recoded into three variables: the lower bound, the
upper point and the point estimate. Each of these
variables were left missing when missing from the
answer. Therefore, for an answer containing only a
point estimate only the point estimate is coded, the
lower and upper bound are coded missing.
Table 5 shows the types of answers given by the
respondents. Most respondents (approx. 60%) only
give a point estimate even for the graphs that do not
show a point estimate. However, for these graph types
this number is slightly lower. Also, a large num-
ber of respondents (approx. 30%) only give a lower
and upper bound. This number is slightly higher for
the graph types that do not show the point estimate.
The differences between the different graph types
are small and except for the aforementioned slightly
smaller number of point estimates for the graph types
without point estimate, other differences (probability
of lower bound, upper bound, no answer) are not sig-
Figure 4 shows the distribution of the point esti-
mates given by the respondents. The true values of
the point estimates and lower and upper bounds are
shown by the vertical lines. Each column of graphs
shows the distribution for one data set for the differ-
ent types of graphs investigated. The first thing that
can be noted from the figure is that the answers of the
respondents are influenced by the position of the tick
marks. For example in the third data set (third column
in the figure) the true point estimate is 16.6. Since this
is between the tick marks 15 and 20, respondents have
to interpolate and values of 16 and 17 are reported.
As was mentioned earlier, when the point estimate
is not shown most respondents will still report a point
estimate. When doing so, they will report a value that