interface, of images, videos and stereoscopic movies
in the domain of astrophysics simulation have
caused a lot of requests for communication with the
general public.
Several movies generated by SDvision have been
screened in exhibitions, museums and in our 3D
room for visitors at Saclay. A new dedicated room
has been equipped in our laboratory for the
projection of astrophysical stereoscopic movies
Due to the increasing production of data
simulations and demand on analysis of bigger and
bigger surveys catalogues, an effort is now in
progress to speed up the code for images generation,
especially with the use of OpenGL shaders.
Authors are grateful to the astrophysicists of the
COAST team and other physicists or astronomers
for providing simulations or surveys data
Audit, E., Pomarède, D., Teyssier, R., Thooris, B.,
Numerical Simulations of Astrophysical Plasmas:
status and perspectives of the Saclay/DAPNIA
software project, Proceedings of the First CalSpace-
IGPP International Conference on Numerical
Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, ASTRONUM2006,
Palm Springs CA, USA, March 27-30,2006, ed. N.V.
Pogorelov and G.P. Zank, the Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series, vol.359 (2006), 9-14,
Audit, E., Hennebelle, P., Thermal Condensation in a
Turbulent Atomic Hydrogen Flow, Astronomy and
Astrophysics, 433, 2005, 1-13.
Bournaud, F., et al. ,Hydrodynamics of high-redshift
galaxy collisions: From gas-rich disks to dispersion-
dominated mergers and compact spheroids, eprint
arXiv:1006.4782, June 2010.
Brun, A.S., Miesch, M.S., Toomre, J., , Global-scale
turbulent convection and magnetic dynamo action in
the solar envelope, The Astrophysical Journal,
614:1073, 2004 October 20.
Chapon, D., Teyssier, R., Bournaud, F., The Driving
Mechanism of Starbusts in Galaxy Mergers. The
Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 720, Issue 2, pp.
COAST http://irfu.cea.fr/projets/COAST.
Cosmography http://irfu.cea.fr/cosmography.
Courtois, H., Pomarède, D., Tully, R.B., Hoffman, Y.,
Courtois, D., Cosmography of the Local Universe, The
Astronomical Journal, 146 (2013) 69.
González M., Audit E., Huynh P., HERACLES: a three-
dimensional radiation hydrodynamics code, 2007,
A&A, 464, 429.
Grandgirard, V., et al., Global full-f gyrokinetic
simulations of plasma turbulence. Plasma Physics and
Controlled Fusion, 49(12B) :B173, 2007.
IDL http://www.ittvis.com/idl.
Labadens, M.; Chapon, D.; Pomarède, D.; Teyssier, R.,
Visualization of Octree Adaptive Mesh Refinement
(AMR) in Astrophysical Simulations, Proceedings of
ADASS XXI, ( Paris, France, 6-11 October 2011).
Labadens, M., Pomarède, D., Chapon, D., Teyssier, R.,
Bournaud, F., Renaud, F., Grandjouan, N, Volume
Rendering of AMR Simulations , Proceedings of
ASTRONUM 2012 (Big Island, Hawaï, USA, June 25-
29 2012).
Laniakea http://irfu.cea.fr/laniakea.
PARAVIEW http://www.paraview.org/
PLUTO http://plutocode.ph.unito.it.
Pomarède, D., Fidaali, Y., Teyssier, R., Visualization of
Hybrid, N-body and Octree-based Adaptive Mesh
Resolution Parallelized Simulations, Proceedings of
5th International Conference 'Computer Graphics,
Imaging and Visualization' (august 25-28 2008,
Penang, Malaysia) ISBN: 978-0-7695-3359-9, p. 295.
Pomarède, D., Fidaali, Y., Audit, E., Brun, A.S.,
Masset, F., Teyssier, R., Interactive visualization of
astrophysical plasma simulations with SDvision,
Proceedings of the IGPP/DAPNIA International
Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma
Flows, ASTRONUM2007, Paris, France, June 11-15,
2008, ASPCS 386 (2008) 327.
Pomarède, D., Fidaali, Y., Teyssier, R., A Visual Insight
into the Horizon Simulation at MareNostrum,
Proceedings of the IGPP/DAPNIA International
Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma
Flows, ASTRONUM2008, Saint John, US Virgin
Islands, June 8-13, 2008, ASPCS 406 (2009) 317.
STARS2 http://www.stars2.eu/computing.htm.
Teyssier, R., Cosmological hydrodynamics with adaptive
mesh refinement - A new high resolution code called
RAMSES , Astron. Astrophys., 385 (2002) 337-364.
Thooris, B., Audit, E., Brun, A.S., Fidaali, Y., Masset, F.,
Pomarède, D., Teyssier, R., 2009 The COAST Project:
a Program of Massively Parallel Numerical
Astrophysics Simulations, Proceedings of the HPC-
Asia 2009 conference (march 2-5, Kaohsiung,
Taiwan) ISBN:978-986-85228-0-0, p. 642.
Thooris, B., Nghiem, P.A.P., Pomarède, D., Visualization
of Particle Beam Simulations in the IFMIF-EVEDA
accelerator, SC14 supercomputing conference, New-
Orleans, 17-20 November 2014.
Tully, R.B., Courtois, H., Hoffman, Y., Pomarède, D.,
Laniakea: Our Supercluster of Galaxies, Nature, 513,
71-73 (4
September 2014).
VISIT https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit.