Selective Encryption of Medical Images
Aissa Belmeguenai, Lakhdar Grouche and Rafik Djemili
Laboratoire de Recherche en Electronique de Skikda, Universit´e 20 Aoˆut 1955- Skikda,
BP 26 Route d’El-hadaeik, Skikda, Algeria
Encryption by Region, Grain-128, Medical Images.
The transfer of image in the digital world plays a very important role, their security is an important issue,
and encryption is one of the ways to ensure security. Few applications like medical image security needs to
secure only selected region of the image. This work proposes a selective encryption approach for medical
images. The approach based on Grain-128 which provides the facilities of implementation of selective image
encryption and decryption. Several tests are done in order to prove the approach performance including visual
tests, key sensitivity, entropy analysis and correlation coefficient analysis.
Sometimes the secure information is isolated in a one
region or few regions of the image then encrypt only
these regions, this allows us to gain considerabletime.
In this way, the encryption does not delay the pro-
cess; instead it can be inserted as an integral part of
the processing chain. In an application, when the se-
lective encryption is adopted, the choice of regions to
encrypt can be done in three ways which are: Man-
ual: The regions are defined using the mouse as an
electronic pen. Semi-automatic: In this case the re-
gions are determinedby programand always leave the
user the possibility of a manual correction (Malet and
al, 1988). For example, edge detection followed by a
correction or improperly closed contours that overlap.
Automatic: When data parts are in the same co-
ordinates location of the regions, these are prede-
fined and the choice is made consistently. Sometimes
the determinations of regions are programmed in first
then the result of processing will be used to encrypt
pilot regions. For example, for the following interest
area that carries a particularity in the image. During
an operation of Prenatal chromosome analysis and if
the presence of a chromosomal abnormality of num-
ber, this is in the form of a trisomy 13 or trisomy 21
(Geneix and al, 1988), (Malet and al, 1989). How-
ever, when establishing the caryotype of the patient,
the interest area (trisomy 13 or trisomy 21) from se-
cret information and that they should be within the
specialist doctor who has the sole authority to access
and pronounce these results to the patient.
To keep this information secret, this paper de-
scribes an implementation of Grain-128 for selective
encryption medical images. Several tests are done
for proving the system performance including visual
tests, correlation coefficient analysis, entropy analysis
and key sensitivity.
2 GRAIN-128
In this section we give a brief description of Grain-
128. The Grain-128 Keystream Generator was pro-
posed by Hell, Johansson, Maximov, and Meier
(M.Hell and W.Meier, 2006) as a variant of Grain-
v1 (Canniere and Preneel, 2005), (C. Cid and Kuri-
hara, 2009). The cipher consists of two 128-bit shift
registers, one linear feedback (LFSR), one nonlinear
feedback (NLFSR) and nonlinear Boolean functions
The feedback polynomial of the NLFSR has alge-
braic degree of two, and h has degree of three. The
content of the LFSR is denoted by u
, u
, ...u
and the content of the NLFSR is denoted by
, v
, ...v
The LFSR is governed by the linear recurrence:
= u
⊕ u
⊕ u
⊕ u
⊕ u
. (1)
The NLFSR is governed by the nonlinear recurrence:
Belmeguenai A., Grouche L. and Djemili R..
Selective Encryption of Medical Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0005301200930099
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 93-99
ISBN: 978-989-758-091-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)