more humans moving around, and then perform both,
the self-collision detection in each human, and the
collision detection between pairs of humans.
Observe that the number of spheres per chain in-
dicates the number of overlapping tests, independent
of the animation employed. This occurs because of
the self-collision process in a chain. We proved this
statement by running a second animation, obtaining
similar times.
A collision detection algorithm is detailed that em-
ploys sphere chains as a preprocessing stage. Our
method is performed for the broad phase collision de-
tection and can be used in articulated objects where
tubular regions are presented. We take into account
the surrounding regions which can be returned when
spheres are colliding. For more accuracy, a narrow
phase algorithm should be employed.
Our limitations are as follows: more chains are
required to exploit the parallel implementation, head,
hands, and feet are not considered.
The work can be extended by computing the col-
lision detection in several humans, using of a BVH
(binary, quadtree, octree, hybrid), using other types
of BVs, utilizing other objects: human hand, snakes,
animals with several legs such as octopus, spider,
quadrupeds. The sphere refitting can achieve more
accuracy by considering more pivot polygons.
We could extent our approach to Continuous Col-
lision Detection by implementing an interpolation be-
tween the human motion trying to avoid the tunneling
problem and other parallel techniques can be applied.
I want to thank to CONACYT and the University of
Yucatan for their financial support.
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