source direction s
s and the normal n
n at the point is
larger than π/2, i.e. s
n < 0. In general, attached
shadows are inevitably observed on curved surfaces
such as a sphere under varying light source direc-
tions. Since the pixel intensity in attached shadow is
zero, i.e. the left hand side of eq.(3) is 0, we cannot
obtain any constraint about the spectral reflectance
and normal from the shadowed pixel except that the
surface normal faces in the opposite direction to the
light source (s
n < 0)
. Therefore, in order to esti-
mate the spectral reflectance and normal per pixel on a
curved surface, we need to take attached shadows into
consideration, and use a sufficient number of images
taken under different light sources so that each point
on the surface is illuminated by the required number
of light sources.
In this study, we derive the number of required im-
ages under the following two assumptions. First, we
assume that the shape of an object of interest is arbi-
trary but convex; denoting the viewing direction by v
we assume arbitrary normals n
n such that v
n > 0 but
do not take cast shadows
into consideration. Note
that the number of required images could be arbitrar-
ily large, if we assume arbitrary complex shapes such
as a tree with a large number of branches and leaves.
Second, in the numerical analysis below, we assume
that a point on an object surface is illuminated by a
light source, if the inner product between the light
source direction and the normal is larger than a small
threshold ε;
n > ε. (12)
This is because we detect shadows by using a thresh-
old on pixel values and dark pixels are more likely to
be affected by noise.
Thus, in order to estimate the spectral reflectance
and normal at every point on an arbitrary convex sur-
face, the set of color images taken under multispec-
tral and multidirectional light sources has to satisfy
the following conditions.
(A) Each point is illuminated in at least 4 images be-
cause eq.(11) has 10 unknowns in total and each
image yields 3 constraints (10 < 4 × 3).
(B) Each point is illuminated in at least 3 images
taken under different light source spectral dis-
tributions for updating α
α in the ALS algorithm
(8 < 3 × 3).
It is reported that normals can be recovered from at-
tached shadows by using a large number of images taken
under varying light source directions (Okabe et al., 2009).
The cast shadows are observed on concave surfaces,
when s
n > 0 but the light source is occluded by the other
surface or the other part of the same surface.
(C) Each point is illuminated in at least 3 images
taken under different light source directions for
updating n
n in the ALS algorithm.
Based on the assumption about illuminated sur-
face points by using a threshold in eq.(12), it is triv-
ial that at least 3 images taken under different light
source directions are required for illuminating every
point on an arbitrary convex surface at least once (see
Appendix A). Therefore, for satisfying the conditions
(B), 3 images (a triplet) taken under different light
source directions are required for each spectral dis-
tribution, i.e. 9 images (3 triplets) are required in to-
tal. In our experiments, we capture each image by si-
multaneously turning on two light sources at the same
direction but with different spectral distributions so
that the combination of the two spectral distributions
has overlap with the spectral sensitivities of the RGB
channels of a camera.
By using the above 9 images, every point on
an arbitrary convex surface is illuminated by 3 light
sources with different spectral distributions at least
once. Therefore, the condition (C) is satisfied, when
the light source directions for the triplets are different
from each other, i.e. when a set of 9 images (a nonu-
plet) is taken under different light source directions.
Moreover, we can numerically show that some of the
nonuplets satisfying the conditions (B) and (C) also
satisfy the condition (A) (see Appendix B). Hence,
we can estimate the spectral reflectance and normal at
every point on an arbitrary convex surface from 9 im-
ages. In our experiments, we confirmed that our light
stage has a number of nonuplet candidates which sat-
isfy the conditions (A), (B), and (C).
4.4 Optimizing Light Sources
In the previous subsection, we show that a set of 9 im-
ages (a nonuplet) is required for estimating the spec-
tral reflectance and normal at every point on an ar-
bitrary convex surface, and that our light stage has a
number of nonuplet candidates. Since the accuracy of
the estimated spectral reflectances and normals could
depend on the nonuplet used for the estimation, we
propose a method for selecting the optimal nonuplet,
in other words, selecting the optimal light sources un-
der which the optimal nonuplet is taken. In particu-
lar, we focus on the optimization of light source di-
rections, since our light sources have only 6 different
spectral distributions in visible range and we have al-
ready used all of them.
The optimization of light source directions is
discussed in the context of the classic photometric
stereo (Drbohlav and Chantler, 2005). They study
how the zero-mean Gaussian noises in pixel intensi-