(a) Pitch
(b) Roll
Figure 9: Pitch and Roll Estimation.
ment provided sufficient number of features points are
Computer vision based approaches are attractive due
to low weight, low cost and existing presence of a
camera on the vehicle. This work gives an insight
into the application of onboard cameras for state esti-
mation, without using any additional sensors. Linear
and angular velocity estimation algorithm has been
developed using implicit extended Kalman filter. We
have removed the horizon constraint in the estima-
tion of pitch and roll. They can be estimated more
accurately without any horizon constraint. Also fea-
ture points correspondence are required for calculat-
ing sparse optical flow, so pitch and roll estimation
do not require extra processing as opposed to horizon
constraint where horizon line segment is required for
finding these parameters. The results clearly manifest
the feasibility of algorithms for real time applications.
Although the results are inspiring, yet these ap-
proaches are limited to an environment where suffi-
cient feature points are available. It cannot be used if
a good number of feature points is not available. Also
we have assumed planar surface, this assumption is
not valid if UAV is closer to earth surface. This work
can be extended to environment were less number of
features points are available and earth surface has un-
even ups and downs. We have assumed that a camera
is fixed to the UAV, which can be relaxed with little
complexity, so that the camera may always point to-
wards the region where a sufficient number of feature
points are available. Further computation complexity
can be reduced. Finally, this work is based on RGB
camera which is highly sensitive to lighting condition,
and thus developing a system based on the IR camera
would be beneficial because that will enable its use
even in low lighting conditions.
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