the camera motion as it is more visible in Figure 2. in
case of the TIS approach (c). It was also shown that
the detected salient regions by the proposed approach
(MC-TIS) have a large overlap with the locations of
human eye movement fixations as compared to other
saliency algorithms.
Our proposedsystem may fail in some difficult sit-
uations, such as in case of more severe camera mo-
tions or camera motion is wrongly estimated. So the
success depends strongly on the quality and accuracy
of the used motion estimation method as well. Of
course the proposed approach can also prove effec-
tive in other computer vision problems, e.g. in object
categorization or object recognition, video encoding
where compression plays an important role.
Interesting avenues for future research are to in-
vestigate the combination of motion estimation and
saliency algorithms for the application of intelligent
video compression.
This work was supported by the ROMEO project
(grant number: 287896), funded by the EC FP7 ICT
collaborative research programme.
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