Figure 8: A block of material with dimensions 2×3 ×2 compressed in y direction to 75% of its natural length. Different
values of Poisson’s ratio, from the left: -1, 0, 0.25, 0.47.
simulation (such as point based integration techniques
(Bender et al., 2013)), it should not affect the stability.
Additionally the accuracy of our models is ex-
pected to be higher than that of techniques involving
parameter fitting and the analytical description of our
model is provided. This makes our MSM an attractive
starting point for developing more advanced models
(e.g. for anisotropic materials). In our model we have
assumed that the dispersion of the force happens uni-
formly in all directions. In MSMs it will translate into
equal redistribution of the incoming force to all the
springs connected with a node (scaled by the length).
Because redistribution is isotropic, so will be the elas-
tic properties of the material. However by introduc-
ing non uniform dispersion mechanisms it should be
possible to achieve non isotropic behaviors without
extensive modifications of the current model. Such
modifications may be a good direction for the future
work, as they would allow to efficiently model or-
ganic tissues e.g. for surgical simulations, the applica-
tion for which MSMs are still actively used, but once
again suffer from the lack of a mathematical model
that would allow to express their elastic properties.
Authors acknowledge the support of JSPS KAKENHI
(Grant Number 24300035).
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