can be achieved.
We reconstructed the plane normal via the affine
transformation. The affine parameters can eas-
ily be calculated from homography as it is shown
in (Moln
ar et al., 2014). The cameras are calibrated
via point-based 3D reconstruction by bundle adjust-
ment (B. Triggs and P. McLauchlan and R. I. Hart-
ley and A. Fitzgibbon, 2000). Then the normals are
computed by the proposed optimal method. We have
tested the OPT algorithm on five different stereo pairs
as it is visualized in Fig 11. They are short base-
line stereo images. The yielded normal vectors and
points of the planes are drawn on the input images.
The corresponding points on the wall surfaces are de-
noted by small dots, the normals are drawn both in-
side and outside the plane. The proposed method is
robust enough, it computes very accurately the sur-
face normals.
Novel normal estimators have been proposed here that
can estimate the normal of a surface patch if two per-
spective images of the patch are given and the affine
transformations of the projected patches are known
between the images. One of the proposed methods
is optimal: if only the elements of the affine trans-
formation are contaminated with noise, the proposed
method (OPT) serves the optimal estimation in the
least square sense. It can be applied if the perspec-
tive cameras are fully calibrated.
It is also obvious that normal estimation is very
sensitive to the noise appearing in affine transforma-
tions. In the future, we plan to improve the affine
transformation estimation in order to get more real-
istic results. We will also deal with developing novel
reconstruction methods that use both point correspon-
dences and estimated normals in order to obtain a
more realistic 3D reconstruction of real-world 3D ob-
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