achieved using a descent method, and leads to a lo-
cal minimum dependent on the initialization. Usu-
ally, this step is delegated to the practician (Lu et al.,
2009). Nevertheless, this tedious intervention can
be automated using the geometrical properties of the
left cavity (quasi-conic shape); which can be approx-
imated by a circular shape in a basal short axis (SAX)
slice. Heart motion is also discriminant to initialize
the model (Pednekar et al., 2006).
Using a deformable model requires to design an
energy functional which depends on internal informa-
tion (regularization) and external information (image,
prior). For example, the geodesic model (Caselles
et al., 1997) uses a functional dependent on the image
gradient intensity. The key idea behind edge-based
energy is to force the model to converge on areas
where the gradient intensity is high, i.e where edges
are. The authors also proposed to work on image tex-
ture by integrating region-based energy. The seminal
Chan and Vese method (Chan and Vese, 2001) mini-
mizes inter-class variance on pixels inside/outside the
model. Some generalizations exploit statistics linked
to the physical process of the image formation. For
example, the Weibull model (Ayed et al., 2006) al-
lows to model different distributions which can be
used to finely characterise regions. To solve the non-
stationarity issue induced by region response, Lank-
ton et al. (Lankton and Tannenbaum, 2008) propose a
local region energy. In this method, statistics are eval-
uated along the deformable model. However in real
images, noise and missing data require to incorpo-
rate geometrical constraints in the method, known as
shape-based energy, to solve these issues. This prior
information can be integrated in different ways into
the variational method. For example, Foulounneau
(Foulonneau et al., 2003) uses a mean square process
over Legendre moments between the current model
shape and a reference shape. One of the main interests
of the variational context is its ability to glue different
constraints (edge, region and shape-based). This cou-
pling allows to strengthen the method by merging in-
formation sources. For example the Geodesic Active
Region (GAR) model proposed by Paragios (Paragios
and Deriche, 2002) is one of the first to propose an
edge/region-based energy.
A large number of methods apply these energies
to segment cardiac images. Ultrasound scans (US)
uncovered specific needs for these noisy and poorly
contrasted images. Some authors developed frame-
works to replace gradient-based methods. For in-
stance, some methods use the monogenic signal and
the asymmetry measure (Felsberg and Sommer, 2001;
Kovesi, 1997) to segment cardiac ultrasound images
with an edge-based energy (Rajpoot et al., 2008). In
a region-based context Barbosa et al. (Barbosa et al.,
2013) used Lankton approach with Rayleigh statis-
tics in order to segment US images. The prior knowl-
edge of the heart geometry can be used in a shape-
based energy. This kind of anatomical constraint was
proposed by Paragios (Paragios, 2002) in MRI left
ventricle segmentation by imposing a minimal thick-
ness of the myocardium wall. Finally, Belaid (Belaid
et al., 2011) proposes to merge edge (monogenic sig-
nal) and region-based (Rayleigh distribution) energy
to perform US left ventricle segmentation.
In section 2, we present a general framework to
segment LV in MRI (3D+T)(the framework overall
is presented on figure 1). In this framework a fully
automatic initialization step is performed. Our inten-
tion is to apply the ultrasound approach to MRI by
carving data terms coherent with the underlying im-
age physics. For that, our functional couples region-
based (Weibull model), edge-based (Kovesi asym-
metry measure) and shape-based (myocardium wall
thickness) energy terms. Its particularity is that we
do not use strong prior (spatio-temporal) as in atlas
methods. In section 3, we present some results and
we compare our method with one of the best methods
of the MICCAI 09 challenge.
2.1 Deformable Model Framework
The variational formulation of the segmentation prob-
lem by means of a deformable model is stated as:
S = arg min
) ⇔
= 0 (1)
In our case S corresponds to the final shape of our
model. This shape is taken from a family of solutions
, by minimizing the energetic functional E. This
optimization problem is solved by means of descent
method on an artificial temporal parameter t. The
model is put into motion, it is a deformable model:
= −
= V n (2)
This problem is equivalent to a front propagation
where the variation is homogeneous to a speed V on
the normal n. The calculus of variations on E can be
computed using shape derivative tools (Aubert et al.,
2003). In the level set framework, Sethian (Sethian,
1999) showed that this problem can be stated as:
= V |∇φ|, (3)