pabilities combined with brushing and linking allow
the detailed exploration of clusters to understand how
and why they were formed. A fine seriation function-
ality enables users to gain an understanding of cluster
substructures. Finally, a sampling mechanism enables
the fluid exploration of large data sets at multiple lev-
els of detail.
Our design was guided by four usage scenarios,
which were used to demonstrate and assess the proto-
type. The usage scenarios were carried out success-
fully with real-world datasets from the cyber-security
domain. However, they did reveal some weaknesses
in our approach.
Our prototype was developed for the TRIAGE ap-
proach to cluster analysis. It is generic enough to be
used with similar clustering pipelines.
We would like to thank Olivier Thonnard for his
valuable advice and feedback during the creation of
this paper. The research leading to these results has
received funding from the European Commission’s
Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under
grant agreement no. 257495 (VIS-SENSE).
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