Table 3: Results of the evaluation experiment for the
automatic creation of a new dance motions.
Segmentation Method Percentage[%]
Musical 4 beats 33.3
Our method 66.7
of age. We showed them a series of dance motions
formed by connecting the short motion segments
detected by proposed method and musical beats
method wherein segmentation is regularly performed
every four counts. The participants were asked to
select what they considered the better of the two
resulting motions. The segments were selected at
random to do justice to both segmentation methods.
Figure 7 shows as example of a generated new series
of dance motions.
Table 3 shows the results of the experiment. The
results show that the 66.7% of the participants felt
that the dance motion based on the proposed
approach provided more natural dance transitions,
because of the choreographic primitives used.
Some participants indicated dissatisfaction with
the dance motions based on the musical beats
method, for the reason; the character changes to
another motion in the middle of a choreographic
primitive. Therefore, when we generate a new series
of dance motions, the segmentation phase is highly
significant, which reflects the general appreciation
shown in the experiment for the results of our
In this paper, we proposed a segmentation method
for a dance motion that established choreographic
primitives based on an investigation into the
perceptions of actual dancers. We defined
segmentation rules based on the musical beats, the
symmetry of motion, and the timing of footsteps.
Higher accuracy percentages were obtained in our
method than those in existing methods.
In the proposed method, if the music at times
deviates from the standard 8 counts, the existing 8
counts cannot be detected accurately; e.g., in case of
songs that have four counts before their chorus.
However if the timing of the beginning of the chorus
is input, irregular counts can be detected. Therefore,
we intend to apply the proposed segmentation
method to any genre of music. Though if the music
has except for 4 counts in its bar, the way of making
the choreography may be different. To apply our
method for these music is our future work.
The segments were sorted randomly when
comparing the new series of dance motions
generated by the dance segmentation methods
considered. If we incorporate sorting rules,
generating more natural dance transition is possible.
On a future work, we plan to construct sorting rules
based on similarities of posture and to synchronize a
dance motion with the atmosphere of the input
music. Finally, we intend to construct an automatic
dance motion generation system based on the
accurate segmentation of the dance motion data
collected from the Internet.
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